I use 65% compost and 35% soil. I plant vegetables every year and they do great but I don’t know why nothing is growing this year … cucumbers, okra, zucchini, pumpkins, eggplant, chilli and capsicums … they are all just tiny and already started giving fruits. They are all related (solanums) and it would be good for you to grow them all in the same bed. The basic idea/assumption/rationale/sophistry is that one wants root crops to grow downwards, and thus when the upward pull of the moon is lessening, and thus when the moon is waning. A rough rule of thumb might be around 2 months after planting the seed. have created a vegetable garden planting guide for each of the seasons, specifically for Melbourne and Am i supposed to cut them out now, or let them continue? Broccoli and kale are closely related, are heavy feeders, and need protection from both cabbage moth and aphids. Any advice or experience would be much appreciated. I am a novice at growing vegetables/ fruits. Okay, did you mean plant the seeds in the tray? I am a part of a few online mushroom groups and the community is very supportive and open to sharing! Snow peas are also cool season but some varieties can survive in the summer. So we’ve come up with a guide to the planting requirements of the most popular fruit and vegetables within your greenhouse. Also is their anything that I can grow with tomatoes to assist with bug minimisation. Thank you for fantastic information. Question: If seeds to follow your fabulous planting guide, when do I plant out seedlings? YES, Also any tips guidance to growing Figs, kaffir lime and baby capsicum? I get the occasional field mushroom (see http://www.trufflemagic.com/blog/what-are-shrooms) which are very nice but I’d like more. However, they can be sensibly planted in any month apart from Winter (June and July). The greater the proportion of compost, the better your veggies will grow but the more expensive will be your ongoing costs (because compost disappears over time and has to be replaced). To make it shorter, you have to do one or more of three things: Combine some things: so, for example, combine alliums and umbellifers as … If you have a small space, you can interplant with other plants which will not only help protect each other but will also add some nutrients to the soil…google interplanting with, whatever you want to grow, in your case, tomatoes. I’m also about to start a new garden from totally scratch – a building site where there has never been a garden, just compacted parking so it is going to be a real challenge to get the soil happy and start to plan layout.Your chart and advice will be a big help – I’m certainly going to need it. I want to grow beetroot, beans, broccoli, capsicum, carrot, celery, cucumber, leek, lettuce, onion, parsnip, potato, pumpkin, silverbeet, corn, tomato and watermelon. Thank you and appreciate . Re companion plants: many people plant basil alongside their tomatoes. My garden has limited space and want to maximise the amount of edible fresh produce. Re crop rotation, which is required so as to add and/replace nutrients to the soil, if you plant the same thing they will draw the nutrients out of the soil and nothing is replaced…therefore you will not have a good crop in a year or two and possibly some soil disease. Different mushrooms like to grow in different ways, but all need substrate for them to live off such as straw or woodchips or even new kitty litter. I don’t want to use chemicals so I want to go the organic way to the best extent possible. Tomato seedlings of ‘Oregon Spring’. I’ve got an old book on the topic but it insists that I need to make or purchase mushroom compost. After a bit of research, I think I need garden soil and then mix it with Organic Compost (3:1 ratio). Our free planting guide calculates the best dates for sowing seeds indoors and outdoors, and for transplanting seedlings to the garden—all customized to your location. Love it. Secondly, it doesn’t work so well because … as soon as the florets within a head start moving further apart). Just wondering whether the guide for tomatoes applies to cherry tomato/ grape tomato too? Gardenate is not a farming or commercial advisory service. Sage: Sep, Oct, Nov of Dec. This is a fantastic resource and great information. You don’t want the netting to rest on the plants, because the moths can then lay their eggs through it, so use some sort of wooden or plastic structure upon which to rest the netting. Please could I receive your Excel version of the chart? As fruity things, cucurbits (cucumbers, etc) and solanums (tomatoes, etc) are heavy feeders. Peta. It is not the only months that plantings are possible – just the best months. //-->. They are so easy and quick to grow and can be planted all year round. Planting Guide – Greenhouse Growing Some of our customers when starting out can feel a little overwhelmed when it comes to deciding what to grow and how to grow it. Zucchini is good when space is limited. Chilli Very much appreciate your guidance! Or straight into the garden? Looking for your input. Your guide is invaluable. Thank you. But, if you are growing annuals, you can change your mix from season to season and thus you can try different combinations and see what works. Given that it is actually quite difficult to store potatoes successfully in Melbourne for long periods of time without them sprouting, succession planting throughout the year is a good approach. Thank you again. Can I plant them whenever? Enjoy! Thanks for your kind words. We recommend that you take into account your local conditions in making planting decisions. The problem with compost is that it disappears over time so each year you have to add more. My local nursery sells them in packets of 10. To Yummy Gardens Home from Vegetable Garden Planting Guide. Thanks. Cheers Brian. Find the best dates for planting and transplanting vegetables and fruit! Thanks for your kind words, Brian. Cucurbits (cucumber, pumpkin, etc). I was told to be careful with the compost ratio due to drainage. The Mushrrom Shed, who are based in Montmorency, sell their seedlings at Eltham Farmers’ Market and other farmers’ markets. Silverbeet is always productive if you like the taste. Between crops just sprinkle a few handfuls and digger gently in. Firstly, thanks for your wealth of knowledge and prompt responses. Hi this is an awesome resource! surrounding areas, which are known as Temperate or Cool in terms of You could plant any of the veggies that have a red circle in the February column or, even better given the current weather, wait a month or so and then choose from those that have a red circle in the March column. Thyme: Aug. Parsley, coriander and mint are good together as they like a bit more water. You won’t need to use your hothouse because it will be hotter out than in the greenhouse. My favourite onions to grow, however, are tree/walking onions (Allium cepa x fistulosum), which are effectively self-seedling and perennial. Omit some things: so, for example, never plant brassicas. I’m just unsure as to how to go about it. function ImageArray (n) { Just wondering whether the guide for tomatoes applies to cherry tomato/ grape tomato too? Welcome to the Summer Vegetable Garden Planting Guide. It does not show much of a growth. Thank you so much! What would be a good crop to plant in that bed please? For a comprehensive discussion of crop rotation, read Angelo Eliades’ article. this[i] = ' ' We purchased a large hot house in April and have had cherry tomatoes for months. Thanks for this great information. You could grow some leafy greens but many of them tend to bolt quickly over summer. Would it be possible to get an excel version if this? This is a great resource! I’d also like to be able to filter/sort it by planting group/family, month, and lunar guide. brassicas) followed by a warm season crop (e.g. This comment has reminded me again… so I thought I’d ask. I am new to gardening and wanted to start growing Veggies. Coriander their climate. Welcome to the Autumn Vegetable Garden Planting Guide. This gives the following phasing: Can you advise on the best practise of saving broad beans to be used as seeds for next years crop please. Plus one or more of the leafy greens: lettuce, mizuna, mustard greens, rocket, silverbeet or spinach. Thank you for uploading this planting guide, its visually appealing to use. If you have a big pot you can grow several herbs together. See more ideas about spring garden, plants, flower planting guide. Are they a substitute for brown or red onions? } Beetroot, carrot, celery leek, onion and parsnip in another bed. on sprays and chemicals. Rocket survives the summer heat better than lettuce. I have Eggplant , Tomato and Capsicum seed with me right now. Wonderful website. Thank you, problem averted. image[4] = '05.jpg'; The legumes/brassicas bed. I also went to the Dingo Discovery Centre and purchased some dingo ‘poo/wee mix’ and painted that around the perimeter of my property. Does the guide for capsicums apply to the yellow capsicum? Rosemary, thyme and sage are good together as they don’t like too much water. We live in the northwest of Victoria in the hot mallee. I would guess that the timings would suit Swan Hill reasonably well. Hello Guy, This is a fabulous chart, such a great tool for the garden. You can buy innoculated grain spawn, or syringes or ready made kits from various companies. Many of which will only grow their best in the warmer months. I’ve never really succeeded in cutting the centre head out at the correct time. Shoot the cats and bury them in the garden. The cooler weather means it time plant a variety of herbs, spinach and bok choy. Hi Guy, Won’t your hot house be even hotter than outside? What is the possible cause of this problem? Then add a liquid fertiliser periodically. Based on frost dates and planting zones. Thank you for an excellent resource – it immediately made my year planning so much easier. Asparagus is a long-lived perennial and is best planted on its own. Asparagus Or any good site for Sydney garden lovers? An established tree needs 2Kg of, say 22:5:8 NPK fertiliser pa plus additional manure (2Kg if chicken and 6Kg if cow/horse), and a 5-year-old tree needs around half this amount. Re microgreens: if you can afford $229, this device is a great little device for growing microgreens indoors: urbipod. We have just moved from the Adelaide Hills to Melbourne so it is particularly useful. Note that cabbage moths are only a problem for brassicas (cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, brussels sprouts, etc). Well, for starters, companion planting is a northern hemisphere concept that works a treat up there, but not as well down here in Australia. Should i protect the plants from frost? Hi, love your chart. Umbellifers (carrots etc). Is it simply a matter of leaving them on the plant, letting them go brown, shrivel up then store them in a drawer or is there more to it all? The Gardening Australia Vegie Guide for web is being updated, however you can use our temporary vegie guide to find out what to plant in the vegie garden in your climate zone. Your wish is my command! Can I have an excel version of your vegetable planting guide. Thanks so much for sharing! I don’t think that whether your tomatoes will produce mature fruit. I have found parsley and basil. Planting vegetables that grow under the soil ensures that they are toasty even during a possible frost. This has happened every year for the last 10 years. All numbers are in months and are on the optimistic side. Second, cabbage moths are territorial and if they see another cabbage moth in the vicinity, they tend to leave. The vegetables in this list are no different. There’s quite a bit of information on Youtube. Hi Guy, 2nd quarter: fruits – plant crops where one eats the fruit. NO. This planting guide is a general reference intended for home gardeners. Lettuce and silverbeet wherever you have space in any of the beds. Could you please send me an spreadsheet version? Hello Guy, Can you please also email the spread sheet of theplanting guide. Thank you so much for all you share here … its been a tough year and starting my first vege garden has been my saviour and you have been my Yoda!! Many leafy greens (lettuce, spinach, silverbeet, etc) don’t have much impact on the soil and can thus be planted anywhere. I don’t think you should apply pellet fertilisers mid season. this.length = n; I have setup couple of garden beds and filled with good soil and not clear what to start with. Parsley, basil and coriander are exceptions because they are annual and often planted as seeds. I suggest that you avoid all brassicas. I had good results planting tomatoes in the same bed 3 years running. Are there any specific varieties that grow well in Melbourne? All of them have been in a minimum of 6 weeks+. Thank you so much Guy. Rockets Just found this chart and it’s perfect, exactly what I was looking for. Like so many others, I would welcome a copy of the Vege Planting Guide spreadsheet. Seeing as there is so much time at the moment and I am outside in the garden a lot and we are whacking them with a fly swat and I’m picking the eggs off the seedlings every morning. Clear and easy to understand. Hi Guy, Tomato and capsicum in another bed. Ditto basil. I’m a beginner in gardening and in Australia and this table is helping me a lot. We recommend that you take into account your local conditions in making planting decisions. First, the damage is caused by the caterpillars. Capsicums didn’t mature from flower and tomato plants were scrawny. I really appreciate it very much and intend to follow up on your advice. Lots of people (including, by anecdote, many farmers) practice moon-phase planting whereby different types of veggie are planted at different times in the moon’s 28-day cycle. I like the following herbs and veggies. Can anyone help please . Hope that helps. Information courtesy of About the Garden magazine website - www.aboutthegarden.com.au Which is north east of Melbourne. This is partly because they are often attacked by pests (particularly cabbage moth and aphids) and partly because the eating parts sometimes don’t develop properly (e.g. Now, the “Big Question”: does it work? Planting calendar for Melbourne, Florida. What’s wrong? Keep up the good work and stay safe. For each vegetable, the table shows: which months the seeds* are best planted; how they should be planted (direct, seed trays under cover, etc); how far apart to plant them; the plant’s lifecycle (annual, perennial, etc); how long its seeds are likely to remain viable; its crop rotation group (for those doing crop rotation); and its moon phase planting quarter (for those doing moon phase planting). Sieve?). i have been using ‘Richgro 25L All Purpose Organic Compost’ (I’m not affiliated with them) for about 2 years now and have little complaints about it. image[10] = '11.jpg'; I love your site – so much info to help us all. To make it shorter, you have to do one or more of three things: You also have to decide whether the annual rotation should take place in Spring or in Autumn. You can use pieces of the mushroom mixed with cardboard or such however and continue to feed it more food (such as breaking up the colonised substrate, adding soaked sterilised bran and putting it in a new container) until it is large and strong enough to fruit. Might want to look at that? Legumes (beans, etc) are non-feeders (they can fix their own nitrogen). Brussels sprouts are really difficult to grow successfully in Melbourne and they usually do develop properly. May I have a copy of the spreadsheet too? If they are already planted in pots, wait until Spring to plant them out. I wouldn’t recommend using horse manure because it contains weed seeds which will grow into weeds. ‘Seeds’ here means the things that you normally plant to propagate the plant and includes asparagus crowns, garlic cloves, potatoes, etc. This can be achieved with fine bird netting. I recently purchased a raised garden bed but I don’t have access to any garden soil to fill into the raised garden bed, so I need some guidance on what to use. Companion Planting Guide Share Share this article on social media Bring balance and harmony to your garden. Solanums (tomatoes, potatoes, etc). Places like Bunnings have them as early as August but they have been raised in a greenhouse/tunnel and won’t thrive outdoors until it warms up. Hi Guy. Thanks for being so generous with your knowledge and expertise. The following Summer planting guide is for the Melbourne area and surrounds, where the climate is referred to as being temperate or cool. Thanks for your comment. It’s great to find a locally oriented site where I can have confidence in the information. Keeping your plants warm during autumn in Melbourne is the trickiest part about gardening in the cooler season. Try planting your capsicums and tomato plants later. Eggplant Hello there, We’ve moved house so I’m starting the whole garden from scratch and planning rather than haphazardly throwing anything in anywhere at anytime (albeit with reasonable success :o), Hi Guy, I totally agree with Kim that this is a fabulous chart and I’d love an excel copy too. I am in Melbourne, Eastern suburbs. Garlic and Peas are two that are suited to winter planting. Reading this comment you mention avoiding brassicas and planting mustard greens, but I noticed that on the chart, mustard greens are listed as brassicas. I looked up in Bunnings and there are so many options and it’s confusing on what to use. Thank you for your hard work with this though! Apply the manure in autumn so that, after breakdown, it is available to the plant from spring onwards. Based on frost dates and planting … South East Melbourne has a similar climate to North East Melbourne so the same planting guide applies. Re location: you should change where you grow your tomatoes each year, preferably as part of an organised crop rotation. What about oregano, rosemary, dill, thyme and so on? This is brilliant! I don’t think winter is a very good time to grow spring onions. Getting Ready to Plant Your Autumn Vegetable Garden. With seed trays, you typically keep them in a greenhouse or other warmish spot. Kale Hello Guy To ease your watering tasks, use pots with water wells. Are there any other differences? Once it warms up a bit beans are great as they come up quickly and grow fast. FRUIT & VEGETABLE - plant artichoke, asparagus, broad bean, carrot, English spinach, lettuce, onion, pea and radish. Could anyone shed some light as to what I should do to improve its growth? Certainly not before the second set of leaves (which are the first set of true leaves) appear, and at least a couple of weeks after this. Potatoes elsewhere, preferably in containers (once you plant them, they are really difficult to get rid of). This guide is suitable for Tasmanian and cool-climate conditions. And also, when you say seed trays, would you put the seed trays in a garden bed or just on their to begin with? Can you suggest what I should plant with each other in the separate quadrants? What are you planting into? Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge and resources. Also, I am an optimist and my predicted harvest times are usually shorter, and sometimes much shorter, than actually happens. P = 5.9% The table below lists which vegetable seeds can be planted this month in North East Melbourne. My question is do you plant seedlings by the Moon Phases? So, you want to stop the moths laying their eggs on your brassicas. They are now everywhere in my garden and holes are appearing on the foliage, so I assume these cabbage moths are causing this? Some of the plants indicated will be either right at the start or the end of their ideal planting season, click the links to the factsheets for more detailed I live in Swan Hill, North Western Vic. Have just finished growing brussels sprouts and the plants grew well with lots of foliage and a large amount of sprouts but they remained small. Spreadsheet sent. When the moon, sun and Earth align, that’s when we see the biggest tides, and that’s at the new and full moon. Thanks for your advice. Hello! Tomato But, since you ask, here is my best go at responding to your request for harvest times. Thanks in advance. The current month is highlighted within a green rectangle. Broccoli, snow peas, bok choy and lots of herbs. For success in growing vegetables it is important to time the planting of seeds and seedlings to take advantage of seasonal conditions most favourable for their growth. Was wondering what plants you would recommend for this time of year? Apply two-thirds in spring and one-third in summer. We then planted a 2nd lot in early October and they thrived. Summer is a great time in the garden with plenty of produce to pick in the garden and obviously keeping plants watered and fed keeps us all busy! Love the spreadsheet! Now in its 43rd edition, it was Hi, could this planting guide be used for the Wimmera / Horsham? image[5] = '06.jpg'; Any solution? I saw them for sale for the first time last weekend and I knew nothing about them. Plus one or more of the leafy greens: lettuce, mizuna, mustard greens, rocket, silverbeet or spinach. Would I be able to receive an excel version of the table? I have started all via your guide, they are so healthy and happy :). Autumn Planting Guide For Melbourne 77 This entry was posted in What to plant on March 2, 2015 by Leaf, Root & Fruit Here’s our autumn planting guide for Melbourne. document.write('

'); Any and all advice is greatly appreciated. Can I grow tomatoes in the same place year on year? Thanks for your previous assistance too, greatly appreciated, Just found your page. If you’re growing carrots,… I thoroughly cover all the aspects of starting your first vegetable garden. As rooty things, alliums (onions, etc) and umbellifers (carrots, etc) are light feeders. Fruit and Vege's suitable for Melbourne spring (cool climate) Edibles I’ve tried are eggplant, cucumber, zucchini, warrigal greens and fennel. Veggies grow best in compost, in which case you don’t need any additional fertiliser or manure in the first year. Potatoes grow best over summer, and therefore the best time to plant them is in Spring. Your capsicums and eggplants may well not produce mature fruit this year but, yes, if you protect them from frost, they may survive until next year. I have been learning from your guide for most of the year.. thank you so much. Thanks Guy. Lemongrass: Sep. I have been struggling to find the dosage rates for a plltet fertilizer i was gifted. Click anywhere in the table to view a higher resolution version without the current month highlighted. Great site! Also I can see onions can be planted in February, but then not until May. Vietnamese mint: Sep. Just checking for information on planting period for my dad. As Guy said, tomatoes and basil grow well together, basil protects tomatoes and they go well on your plate together too. I am a beginner gardener and don’t know where to start. Hello, thanks for a wonderful spreadsheet. Apr 28, 2020 - Explore jessmeager's board "Planting guide australia", followed by 242 people on Pinterest. Hello again. I would suggest that you start with compost and then add soil (plus fertiliser or manure) in the second year. What are good veggies to start with that are easy to look after and will produce well so the child can be encouraged? Can I up my compost percentage? However I’d suggest rotating if you possibly can for better results. The page tells you when you can plant what. Thanks, Sarah, that’s great advice, looking forward to being able to visit a nursery again to get some petunias! This is my first year gardening, with fallow soil would you recommend a green crop that I dig in later or horse manure, the latter I am not sure as we have a new puppy with penchant for eating anything . Thank you for your effort in pulling this information together and sharing it. Find the best dates for planting and transplanting vegetables and fruit! I’m in Taradale Victoria when is the best time to plant strawberry seedlings? For Tomato seedlings are great in pots but don’t get them until late October/early November. In Melbourne their are two main seasons for planting vegetables and herbs, Autumn and Spring.