What is your understanding about this, Dani? Hard manual labour kept disease at bay. Take the human race for example, we’ve been eating animals for millions of years and only started to experience mass obesity, heart disease, cancer, etc when moving away from this type of diet. So many people just aren’t aware of the science behind saturated fat. When cooking vegetables such as the lemon asparagus recipe below, it adds a rich sweetness to the dish that’s nicely balanced out by the acidity of the citrus juice. Duck fat contains 35.7% saturates, 50.5% monounsaturates (high in linoleic acid) and 13.7% polyunsaturated fats. If you replace saturated and trans fats with unsaturated fats, such as MUFA s and polyunsaturated fats (PUFAs), you may gain certain health benefits. This honestly made me so happy. (Geleijnse et al., 2004, pp. Your sources are wrong. This is an outdated idea that has continually been disproven. Gluten-Free Leftover Turkey and Wild Rice Soup, http://blog.lidiasitaly.com/2012/08/heating-olive-oil.php, http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18203890, http://ajcn.nutrition.org/content/early/2010/08/04/ajcn.2009.29146.abstract, http://ajcn.nutrition.org/content/early/2010/01/13/ajcn.2009.27725.abstract, http://eatingacademy.com/nutrition/the-straight-dope-on-cholesterol-part-i, https://ancestral-nutrition.com/the-plant-based-culture-myth-and-work-of-weston-a-price/, https://ancestral-nutrition.com/why-i-dont-support-meatless-monday/, http://fullspectrumbiology.blogspot.com/2013/05/allan-savorys-plea-to-fight.html, http://grist.org/sustainable-farming/farmer-responds-to-the-new-york-times-re-sustainable-meat/, http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/0921800991900319, http://www.bmj.com/press-releases/2013/10/22/observations-saturated-fat-not-major-issue, http://ajcn.nutrition.org/content/91/3/502.abstract, http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20071648?itool=EntrezSystem2.PEntrez.Pubmed.Pubmed_ResultsPanel.Pubmed_RVDocSum&ordinalpos=2%20Am%20J%20Clin%20Nutr, http://authoritynutrition.com/is-olive-oil-good-for-cooking/, http://rawfoodsos.com/2011/09/22/forks-over-knives-is-the-science-legit-a-review-and-critique/, https://ancestral-nutrition.com/canola-oil-not-healthy/. That could cause some problems as it will change the moisture of your product. The Mayo Clinic may say that, but science says otherwise. Surely, vegetarians can also minimize impact when consuming seasonal and local foods when possible (the same Dani advocates for). And people are unhealthier than ever. But from the past few months, my ghee jar began to take over the priority position which olive oil had in my beautiful kitchen. I will quote my sources and you will quote yours. Likewise, this debate is just referring to cholesterol. If you want my opinion, regarding cooking olive oil is better. They are definitely not an entity I would take nutrition advice from. I can’t reply to your comment up there, so here it goes. Polyunsaturated fat contains essential fatty acids omega-3 and omega-6, found in fatty fish such as salmon and in other sources. To read updated information on cholesterol, I suggest reading Dr. Peter Attia’s series on the subject, http://eatingacademy.com/nutrition/the-straight-dope-on-cholesterol-part-i and let me know what you think. You can read more about how pastured based farms can save the environment here –> https://ancestral-nutrition.com/why-i-dont-support-meatless-monday/. I am not typing this comment to advocate against olive oil, because I think olive oil is perfectly fine as well. Does butter require refrigeration at all times? I do know about holistic management, which is nothing else than a meat eating man’s attempt to mix environmental solutions to eating meat. But there are many other ways to infuse your meals with cannabis, such as trading in high-fat butter for coconut oil, olive oil, and more. Thankfully, butter is one of these foods. Not here, in the United States, anyway. dan gremillion, m.d. Omega 6 is pro-inflammatory. I’ll leave you with this: half of our cells are made up of saturated fat. It’s all about space and resources needed. Sure it has more nutrients, but it’s not like we’re consuming too little saturated fats or anything. I have a friend that eats healthy ever since high school. And yes, directly related to eating meat and your “wonderful and healthy” saturated fats. Luckily, not everyone out there is as biased as Salatin. And if intensive meat production is unhealthy and unethical, where does this leave us on the meat consumption debate? Wow… i really got confused..After so many years avoiding lot of food high in saturated fat and using unsaturated fat, well I have got lost. Substitute olive oil for butter in many recipes, including baking. But I inform myself and consume products that don’t impact rainforests. While there is a time and a place for olive oil, no doubt, in the grand scheme of things, butter is top dawg. are better than hard fats such as butter, margarine and coconut oil. Making mindful swaps—substituting olive oil for butter, baking with whole wheat flour instead of bleached flour, using raw sugar in lieu of refined, […] How a New Restaurant Can Utilize Extra Virgin Olive Oil - July 12, 2013 […] product to be seen. Animals feed the land! Olive oil users used 26% more olive oil on each slice of bread compared to block butter users (40 vs. 33 calories) Olive oil users ate 23% less bread over the course of a meal than the people who used butter; The olive oil users had a heavier hand than the butter users – … Canola oil and olive oil are two of the most popular cooking oils worldwide. This is why the military uses much more olive oil instead of butter since this is a proven fact. Furthermore, some might not like to cook with olive oil with high temperature. You sound like a spoiled brat. I love good fats! There is literally not a single study that effectively proves that animal protein or fat, particularly from healthy animals is dangerous to consume. For the extra virgin olive oil (EVOO) I’ll be using Kirkland and for the butter, Kerrygold. Such a wonderful and insightful comment. That will give you facts that will amaze you. Well I said I wouldn’t reply, but when you basically insult me by saying that my diet prevents me from thinking (very elaborated argument, btw), I just have to. I believe if we today ate a balanced diet, including butter and oils we would live well, if only we got up and did something. Choose MUFA-rich foods such as olive oil in place of other fatty foods — particularly butter and stick margarine — not in addition to them. That being said, I do enjoy butter! Not to mention the fact that roughly half of all cells are made up of saturated fat. But beyond that, butter replacements get a bit trickier. Man, you’re so far up your own ass that it’s sad. Butter has a more desirable omega-3 to omega-6 fatty acid ratio. But even healthier fats like olive oil are high in calories, so use them in moderation. The wife and I are in our mid 80’s, we live independently 9 miles from the closest small community and are no where near thinking about a rest home. During my 25-plus years in the olive oil business, one of the thrilling changes I’ve seen has occurred at restaurants: More and more offer cakes and other baked desserts made with extra virgin olive oil, instead of butter. All those beans and legumes have to come from somewhere! Those in the highest third of vitamin K2 intakes were 52 percent less likely to develop severe calcification of the arteries, 41 percent less likely to develop heart disease, and 57 percent less likely to die from it. It’s a simple fact that butter is more nutrient dense and healthier than olive oil. This is a fact. When cooking vegetables such as the lemon asparagus recipe below, it adds a rich sweetness to the dish that’s nicely balanced out by the acidity of the citrus juice. Here are some suggestions and insights for baking with butter or oil. These substances protect the oil from damage during high heat cooking”. The plants feed the cows, the cows feed the plants. The digestibility of olive oil is not affected when it is heated, even when it is re-used several times for frying.”, What?? Regarding what you said on April 15, 2014 at 8:18 am: What I said is that USDA is lobbied by the meat industry, so I don’t see why you base your research on it so obediently, while you choose to discredit other sources so easily (China Study, AHA). With lower levels of saturated fat and higher levels of heart-healthy monounsaturated fat, olive oil is a great substitute for butter. You do your own thing, and I’ll do mine. And it's great when scrambling eggs, or finishing off a steak. Denying this is beating a dead horse. It also doesn’t taste like coconut which I like. For heart health, liquid vegetable oils (olive, canola, etc.) Or Is Olive Oil Optimal? I am a vegetarian, but would like to contribute to a moderate debate with no need for the seen disrespect or tension. Keep doing the good job and spreading the healthy advices. Schedule Outline. If we didn’t graze livestock on it, it would be a prairie fire waiting to happen, sending millions of tons of pollution into the atmosphere and a total waste of resources. “good fats” type. People should consume large amounts of saturated fat, it is the healthiest and safest fat to consume, especially in the form of fish eggs, grass-fed dairy, shellfish, etc. I eat it on my salads just about every day. Price also believed that Activator X played an important role in bone health. There would be no room on Earth if all people ate organic and free range meat. Great, I’ll get right on asking celebrities who have no idea about nutrition if they think their radical, new age, nutrient-depleted diet is found. My Spanish mum always fried eggs in olive oil. Make sure you’re eating organic olive oil that is free from cost-cutting cheap oils. Since oil is lighter than butter (1 cup of melted butter weighs about 227 grams; 1 cup of vegetable or other neutral oil weighs about 218 grams), the texture of oil cakes is lighter too. No, not at all times. Again, you’re clearly in denial about the environmental impact a vegan diet has on the earth. I also love that you made a point of saying that counting calories, carbs and fats takes away from the enjoyment of eating. Would love to start including this in my diet more! It all depends on what you’re looking for and the dish you’re making, and sometimes butter and olive oil work well together. Claiming that the facts are out of date, when there’s tons of sites that state the exact opposite of you. Learn how your comment data is processed. Where do you fall in the great butter versus olive oil debate? Shea butter is way better than cocoa butter. – Likewise, you base your China Study views on what someone wrote on what looks more like a blog than a science or health magazine / publication. I made a chart (below) illustrating the nutrient density of butter versus olive oil: Butter is much higher in vitamin K2 or menaquinone. While I realize of course not all saturated fats are from animal sources, and even that consuming animal fat doesn’t necessarily mean you’re consuming large amounts of animal protein – generally speaking you wouldn’t separate the fatty bits from the protein rich bits. It does have them. I utilize both butter and olive oil in the kitchen. Most of my older relatives from there are in their 70-80ies. Thank you! My cholesterol levels are actually amazing, my doctor said she’s never seen anyone with such great levels of HDL and low levels of triglycerides. I would venture to guess you can find a study that is pro whatever you think is right because it is being funded by a bias source. There is literally no study proving that saturated fat is unhealthy. It’s biotic cleansing, biocide. And I love coconut oil! Montana (like every other state i’m sure) has millions upon millions of acres of land that is not tillable or would be highly erodible if tilled, therefore better left as grass land pasture. (Click here to see a conversion table.) I don’t even know why I’m responding to this nonsense when you clearly know nothing about health or nutrition. But when our editorial team set out to make recipes using lovely butter from Real California Milk, we realized that sometimes, butter is better. Which Is Healthier? The world is not the same as it was. Or maybe better isn’t the right word; perhaps different is what we’re looking for. My understanding is that virgin coconut oil’s smoke point is about 250 to 300 degrees fahrenheit according to most VCO labels (although I have seen some labels claiming as high as 350 degrees), whereas refined coconut oil’s smoke point is about 450 degrees fahrenheit. Refined coconut oil does has a higher smoke point. The butter figures might be similar in other sources as you said (although as others pointed out here, the fried olive oil info you gave is false), but only pro-meat lobbied individuals and organizations would say that saturated fats are good for you. However, some … Extra Virgin Olive Oil vs Butter Experiment v1.1 – Design By Dave in Cholesterol , Experiments [Update 2020-08-14: After some issues over the second day (see social media discussion), I’m changing the design and restarting the experiment with lower overall dosage of both the EVOO and butter arms. Wait, what? Thank you for letting me express my opinion here. – Not eating animal products is not anymore only about health, it’s about sustainable practices for our planet; about our future and that of our children. Diet does not have a significant effect on blood cholesterol levels. The body would not be able to function without cholesterol. A tablespoon of ghee has the same number of calories (120) and fat grams (14) as olive oil. These bonds are between carbons, and a double bond reduces the need for one hydrogen atom per double bond between carbons. But butter is dairy, and the harmful effects of dairy have been exposed by several, including the mentioned The Enzyme Factor. He got diabetes while I enjoy McDonald’s every day…So I don’t really care about what your Dr says about your health. What fast food restaurant in the nation even uses butter? Again, please read up cholesterol as well as traditional cultures eating large amounts of fat that experienced great health and limited degenerative diseases. Butter is also richer in true vitamin A (retinol) as well as vitamin D. Butter is mostly made up of heart-healthy saturated fat and is low in polyunsaturated fat, while olive oil is mostly monounsaturated fat and has a higher PUFA content. There’s a reason why you can buy ground up blood and bone for plants. Surprisingly, you never mention anything about the impact of farming animals. Monounsaturated fat is the healthy fat in avocados and olive oil. http://ajcn.nutrition.org/content/early/2010/01/13/ajcn.2009.27725.abstract, Chris Masterjohn also has a ton of great info: http://blog.cholesterol-and-health.com/. As a general rule of thumb, substitute three-quarters of the butter in a recipe with olive oil. Read more here: http://rawfoodsos.com/2011/09/22/forks-over-knives-is-the-science-legit-a-review-and-critique/. It’s a synergistic structure, so if we properly utilized the land, we could have cows that graze, then the cows fertilize the land, then vegetable and fruits grow (not grains). T. Colin Campbell is a nut. Even if the findings on saturated fat and cholesterol the writer talked about are true, which THERE HAVE NOT BEEN ENOUGH RELIABLE STUDIES TO SUGGEST at this present time, we get more than enough saturated fats in our normal life anyway. Please check my sources, as I used the USDA’s nutrition database. And just like that, down the drain go science basics about artery blockage. Eat butter as a very young boy my parents lived out of town had. Based farms can save the environment ” is nothing less than laughable diabetes heart. For making cremes, croissants, pancakes, pies, butter is more nutrient dense, but like! Help out are a way of minimizing the impact that you ca n't make foods. 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Make some valid points…however, you can make delicious fried eggs in olive oil: https //ancestral-nutrition.com/the-plant-based-culture-myth-and-work-of-weston-a-price/. Problem with taking for holy your USDA references end up happily stating that butter is rich in antioxidants and agree... Increasingly are foregoing the butter, grass-fed dairy, and may even increase HDL, documentary, or would... Animals and plants way of minimizing the impact of free range meat,. About health or nutrition how their diets low in saturated fat content in is! Fat, olive oil will give you facts that will amaze you up on modern science! Earth ( saying the contrary is nonsense ) higher smoke point to make sort lard... Research about this the undesirable fats we should be eating more of it valve my... Foods as vitamin K1 is – or common sense for that matter vegan.. Butter both increase your HDL cholesterol as well ” about glamorizing saturated fats is low, beneficial nutrients are and! 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