Low concentrations (2 percent) of permethrin, as in flea sprays labeled “for cats,” are not considered toxic to cats. Using good, quality flea control products means that you are looking out for your furry friend. This effective formula stops the flea life cycle and prevents re-infestation for up to 30 days. Use of this Web site constitutes acceptance of the Davesgarden.com Terms of Use, Rules, Privacy Policy, and Cookie Policy. Etofenprox 96%tc Of Sinotech Pesticide , Find Complete Details about Etofenprox 96%tc Of Sinotech Pesticide,Etofenprox Safe For Cats Cas 80844-07-1,Etofenprox High Efficacy,Etofenprox Application from Herbicide Supplier or Manufacturer-Anhui Sinotech Industrial Co., Ltd. It did not cause skin sensitization in guinea pig (intradermal and topical). There are tens of hundreds of these treatments out there in the market to choose from, so it can be somewhat overwhelming to find the most appropriate one that fits your feline’s needs. Laboratory and clinical studies showed that Capstar Tablets are safe for use in dogs and cats, puppies and kittens 4 weeks of age and older and 2 pounds of body weight or greater. I don’t get it. Around the home it is used for all sorts of ‘bug problems’, including ants, lice, spiders, wasps, earwigs, crickets, silverfish, bed-bugs, flies, mosquitoes, roaches, scorpions etc. Cat Care » Equipment ... Etofenprox is an actual insecticide that is in the pyrethroid class of insecticides. If your cat has access to the outside world and has started to lick and scratch itself too often it may have mites.You may also find small oranges dots throughout its body or even a black liquid in their ears. For cedar oil sprays to be effective, they must be used every day until your cat’s fleas are completely eradicated. And read labels closely. Do Not Sell My Personal Information] Etofenprox is a pyrethroid, which is a synthetic of natural pyrethrins. This is possible because the medication is the same for cats or dogs, only the dosage changes. Tag: ETOFENPROX. Pyrethrin shampoo for dogs and cats. Remove contact lenses, if present, after the first 5 minutes, then continue rinsing. This synergist stops the insects natural enzyme breakdown of the pyrethrins and pyrethroids into less toxic compounds. http://www.aspca.org/pet-care/poison-control/, Read articles about: Flea Products, Natural Plant Toxins, Poisons. So flea control was a constant and ever-losing battle. Read more. Etofenprox is not safe to use on cats at all. Phenothrin spot-on products may result in similar but less severe clinical signs. Note there is no picture of a cat on this product. In the public health sector, etofenprox is used for vector control either by direct application in infested areas or indirectly by impregnating fabrics, such as mosquito nets. I assume the directions will guide owners in the ‘safe’ volume of product that can be applied to these cats? Pyrethrins, and the related but more potent, chemically derived pyrethroids, are widely-used insecticides in flea and tick prevention products used around homes and on cats and dogs. Longer term exposure has lead to possible brain defects in babies from exposed mothers (probably due to the synergist often accompanying pyrethroid toxins in most products). Trending Questions. The resurgence today of Pyrethrin products has been largely due, in my opinion, to the discovery and use of much safer and more effective products in the last 20 years, and the public’s inability to distinguish these excellent, safe and effective products from the ones that have not been effective for more than 30 years. However, it is important to note that use of this product on rabbits is an “off label use” and has never been recommended or approved by the manufacturer. Permethrin And Cats: Be Cautious To Avoid Side Effects From Human Use : Shots - Health News Cat lovers were very concerned about our story on … These are not safe for cats. Join Yahoo Answers and get 100 points today. Specially formulated spray for dogs and cats which helps kill fleas, ticks, flea eggs, and flea larvae. IF IN EYES:Hold eye open and rinse slowly and gently with water for 15-20 minutes. Flea control products don't come one-size-fits-all, and they should be labeled as safe for cats. I have not seen one die of this toxicity, though. Etofenprox is a pyrethroid, which is a synthetic of natural pyrethrins. Learn more about spot-ons and their safety. Why the part about not to use in cats is not highlighted as well, I have no idea. Shop for cheap price Dollar General Flea And Tick Cats Safe And Etofenprox Cat Fleas .Compare Price and Options of Dollar General Flea And Tick Cats Safe And Etofenprox Cat Fleas from variety stores in usa. Is this cat ugly? Six of the exposed cats did not recover. With prolonged exposure, it can cause skin irritation. As compared to dogs, cats are more susceptible to poisoning due to their deficiency in glucuronidase, the enzyme responsible for breaking down synthetic pyrethroids. If this is the case, your feline friend is infected with mites and we must take urgent measures to eradicate this disease. On single oral administration of 14 C-etofenprox (a 1:1 mixture of [1-14 C-propyl]-etofenprox and [α-14 C-benzyl]-etofenprox to beagle dogs of each sex at 30 mg/kg, total excretion in feces was 90 and 6% of the dosed 14 C in urine over 5 days after administration. When treated with concentrated permethrin-containing products labeled for use on dogs, they typically develop muscle tremors, incoordination, seizures, hyperthermia, and death within hours if the toxicity is not treated. Common ingredients used in topicals include Fipronil, Methoprene, and Etofenprox. As you might guess, with all toxins, there are some good things and some bad things about them. Then these toxic pets are usually given some short acting anti-seizure medication injectably, such as Diazepam (Valium) or Midazolam (Versed), if they are having violent tremors or full on seizures. In rabbits, it is not a skin irritant or eye irritant. The Frontline customer service rep says it changes the product's effective time from 60 minutes to 15 minutes after application. Ingestion occurs if the dog or cat licks the treated area. Contact Us | I am hoping this will save her life. You may be interested in the following articles in this site dealing with the general safety of veterinary products: Safety for humans For this reason, I recommend NOT using these products on cats for any reason! Etofenprox is harmful if swallowed and causes moderate eye irritation. Fipronil-containing products have proven an effective therapy to control fleas (Hutchinson et al., Hartz UltraGuard Plus Flea & Tick Treatment for Cats & Kittens over 5 lbs is a topical, monthly treatment that kills fleas, flea eggs, deer ticks and repels mosquitoes. Etofenprox is a contact-kill adulticide used to control a wide variety of insects including weevils, beetles, aphids, moths, whiteflies, thrips, borers, fleas and mosquitoes. Product Description. Please be careful when using pyrethrins in the environment (like your yard), just because they seem relatively pet safe and degrade rapidly. Call a poison control center or doctor for treatment advice. Trending Questions. Many of these products have been discontinued because of such common reactions. Etofenprox is a common active ingredient used in flea and tick control products, especially those for cats. [1] Mitsui Chemicals Agro Inc. is the main manufacturer of the chemical. We have been using Frontline for a few years and we love it. These cats often come in seizuring or violently tremoring, drooling, hyperthermic (secondary to seizures) and occasionally moribund (near death). Is etofenprox safe for cats keyword after analyzing the system lists the list of keywords related and the list of websites with related content, in addition you can see which keywords most interested customers on the this website For topical purposes, such as with K9 Advantix II, it is fine for your dog to come in contact with your cat 72 hours after the application, but not before. The product spreads the oils in the animals cost and as a flea bites they receive a lethal dose of the Etofenprox and usually die within 24 hours. These products are not very effective at killing fleas (years of personal experience) and most flea shampoos are somewhat drying and irrititating to the skin- many dogs and some cats are itchier after the shampoo than before it. Deciding on a flea or tick treatment can be tough. Phenothrin however is one of the newer synthetic pyrethrin toxins. And then that very night seeing a poisoning from this toxin during my overnight shift at the local veterinary hospital. -left; right is shot of a pyrethrin shampoo for dogs only... is this a too concentrated for cats? There are no answers yet. We have been using Frontline for a few years and we love it. Capstar Tablets are safe for pregnant or nursing dogs and cats. There is still some degree of resistance, particularly in fleas, for most of these products (though it seems new synthetic pyrethroids are being invented all the time, presumably to keep ahead of the insects that are becoming resistant to them). As well as being safe to apply on cats over 12 weeks of age, this spray can also be used on furniture, pet bedding, crates, carpets, and more. Use of this Web site constitutes acceptance of the Davesgarden.com, Bug Poisons from a Veterinary Perspective, Fleas on Pets and in the Garden- a Treatment Overview. Due to finances i switched to a less expensive (HARTZ ULTRAGAURD PRO) flea treatment for my cats…all 4. two days after i was sitting w the Matriarch of our lil cat family while reading the paper outside and noticed her breathing was very labored. Etofenprox is commonly found in flea control products such as Bio Defense and Bio Spot for cats It is used in agriculture, horticulture, viticulture, forestry, animal health and public health against many insect pests, for instance Lepidoptera, Hemiptera, Coleoptera, Diptera, Thysanoptera, and Hymenoptera. Many ‘natural’ flea products, including essential oils, limonene, garlic and pyrethrins have made many pet cats very ill. The poison is a neurotoxin with fairly low toxic effects on people, relative to its effect on insects. In sterilized soil, little degradation took place in a 56-day test. Etofenprox is a pyrethroid derivative which is used as an insecticide. Precautions. I use ... read more, A small feral colony lives in Socorro, NM. Is it healthy to use etofenprox to kill fleas on cats? Many of these cats are severely toxic, again due to massive overdose (I had one recently that was treated by the owner with the same product they put on their Rottweiliers). Etofenprox is well tolerated by mammals, including cats, and is environmentally friendly. These two ingredients provide cats with a faster and wider range of protection against flea infestations. Keep your cat separate from any dogs that have been treated for 12-24 hours. Etofenprox is a pyrethroid derivative which is used as an insecticide. Prevent falls by making balconies and windows safe with wire mesh. Fipronil-containing products have proven an effective therapy to control fleas (Hutchinson et al., LD50 acute, rats, dermal, >2000 mg/kg LD50 acute, dogs, dermal, >5000 mg/kg Etofenprox is less irritant than most pyrethroid esters (e.g. Permethrin And Cats: Be Cautious To Avoid Side Effects From Human Use : Shots - Health News Cat lovers were very concerned about our story on permethrin… Fipronil, an active ingredient in many spot-on treatments, is also available as a spray. 80844-07-1. Etofenprox 113 113 5.11 ETOFENPROX (184 ) TOXICOLOGY Etofenprox is the International Organization for Standardization (ISO)–approved name for 2-(4-ethoxyphenyl)-2-methylpropyl 3-phenoxybenzyl ether (International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry), with the Chemical Abstracts Service No. WARNING !!! Fleas aren't just a nuisance for your cat; they can lead to health issues. It's safe to expose pets to fipronil when a product is designed for application directly to the skin and when done in the prescribed dosage. two products sold at stores and advertised as 'natural' bug killers, containing pyrethrins- notice they kill all sorts of arthropods (non-selective killer), Two pyrethroid products used to kill 'bugs' indoors (pyrethrin is Bifenthrin). A flea spray is a safe treatment for cats, but deadly to fleas. Use only on cats or kittens over 5 pounds, 12 weeks of age and older. Formulated for cats and kittens over 5 pounds that are 12 weeks of age or older; Includes three easy to use monthly applications; With active ingredients Etofenprox and S-Methoprene. I don’t get it. However, dogs and cats can easily become sick if too much or the wrong flea product is applied, or the product is ingested post-application. 3 people found this helpful. The synthetic forms of pyrethrins, called pyrethroids (including the most common one, Permethrin) have the potential for a lot more toxicity than ‘natural pyrethrin’. Fleas are more than an itchy nuisance. Even big dogs come in toxic, often as a result of owner frustration and application of way too much product on the dog. Etofenprox wordt gebruikt voor de preventieve behandeling van alle soorten hout tegen insecten die hout aantasten zoals de larven van de huisboktor en termieten. Using good, quality flea control products means that you are looking out for your furry friend. Product for dogs only that has some soothing aloe... possibly the aloe is the product that is actually doing anything to make the dog feel better? They kill insects by preventing their nervous system from functioning properly. While researching other products sold for flea control on cats, I discovered at least several products that had permethrin and phenonthrin, both synthetic pyrerthroids with a good deal of ‘cat toxicity’ to them. It is not used on livestock and in human medicines. It is also used as an ingredient in flea medication for cats and dogs. [2], Etofenprox is decomposed in soil by anaerobic and aerobic microorganisms. Posted on June 8 ... OK, my bad. cyphenothrin, phenothrin, permethrin, etc.). Permethrin poisoning is still one of the most common poisonings of cats worldwide and it can be life-threatening. For cats, pump bottles are preferred instead of aerosols which the cat can mistake as the hiss of another cat. It is toxic to cats and has been known to cause fatalities even in dogs. I was inspired to write this article after seeing another article on pyrethrum written by adinamiti recently. It has been used as a louse powder for over 100 years. Each convenient and easy to apply, single dose tube kills fleas, deer ticks, flea eggs, flea larvae and prevents re-infestation, stopping the flea life cycle in its tracks. In agriculture, etofenprox is used on a broad range of crops such as rice, fruits, vegetables, corn, soybeans, and tea. It is generally safe to use on dogs but why waste your money? Pyrethrins are one of the oldest insecticides used by man. It is formulated as a wettable powder or emulsifiable concentrate. In humans, other symptoms include asthma-like respiratory problems, sneezing, headache, nausea, incoordination, tremors, convulsions, redness of the face, and swelling, burning and itching of the skin. Cats lack an enzyme in any decent quantity that detoxifies most synthetic pyrethroids. Be the first to answer this question. Little dogs are sometimes toxic even from label doses of these products- we see Chihuahuas come in frequently with tremors from pyrethroid toxicity at the label dose, though I have yet to see one so ill I was concerned for its life. Pet Relevance and a personal point of view. Cats are especially sensitive to pyrethroids. Runoff from treated areas or deposition into bodies of water may be hazardous to fish and other aquatic organisms. Even with the synergist, Piperonyl Butoxide, in the mix, resistance is not futile. But as mentioned, all animals are sensitive to this poison if the concentrations are high enough. Pyrethrum aka Tanacetum cinerariaefolium (Photo Wikipeidia). For those of you readers who are too young to remember a time before Imidacloprid, Fipronil, Selemectin, Spinosad and a few more newer products, there was a time (over 20 years ago) when flea control was a nightmare in pets, due primarily to the flea’s ability to develop resistance and/or detoxify this poison. Based on the results of metabolites in excreta, the total estimated gastrointestinal absorption was 14–51%. Mildly affected animals are also given activated charcoal to help absorb toxins still in the intestinal tract. Since these poisons are used extensively on pets, I thought I would discuss some of the pros and cons of these common toxins. As I said earlier, even with these products, the battle against fleas was a constant and losing one. However, dogs and cats can easily become sick if too much or the wrong flea product is applied, or the product is ingested post-application. They are ... read more, Contrary to popular tradition, pumpkin pie was not ... read more. So this treatment is not for everybody. These little buggers can cause flea allergic dermatitis, tapeworms, cat-scratch disease and anemia. At very high doses, it can be a fairly toxic product for all forms of animal life. Read the articles on etofenprox safety and methoprene safety in this site. The percentages I have found doing some on-line research states pyrethroid toxicities in cats result in death 10-25% of the time… yikes! Mitsui Chemicals Agro Inc. is the main manufacturer of the chemical. But my experience is that most products have very little in the way of detailed directions. Pyrethrin product for both cats and dogs (note photo of both on the label). The product can cause moderate skin and eye irritation. Etofenprox is used at low volumes to control adult mosquitoes, non-biting midges, and biting and non-biting flies. However a topical flea killer product brand called BioSPOT Flea & Tick Control by Farnam Pet Products MUST NOT be used in this way. So far (knock on wood) I have not lost a cat yet… but there were some close calls. [ Home | Greater hornets, and beetles.15 The British eye protection or gloves as required by attention drawn to the various vector- Army has deemed etofenprox a safe and other flea and tick products) are required borne diseases carried by fleas, ticks, and effective additive to nets and screens when applying the product on cats. Good Evening, While this ingredient is commonly used for flea and tick control, cats can have adverse reactions to it. This effectiveness pales in comparison with the newer and much safer products now on the market. It is generally safe when used as directed on the packaging, but if your cat develops lesions, becomes lethargic or stops eating he should see a vet as he could be having a reaction or been overdosed. Resistance was not futile! Frontline Plus for dogs or cats and Startgard Plus for puppies or kittens). Sprays – Tick repellent sprays come in pressurized aerosol bottles or pump bottles. Never use dog flea control on a cat. LD50 acute, rats, p.o. Varies. However, many consider it one of the safest insecticides there are due to its relative low toxicity for most animals and for its rapid degradation in the environment down to harmless compounds. Bathing with cool water can also help cool some of these violently tremoring or seizuring animals down. But some dogs and most cats tend to lick off topical products. Several affected pets may not tolerate an oral slurry like this and can inhale it, with dire consequences. Other sym… Etofenprox is a synthetic pyrethoid ether insecticide used against strains of rice green leafhopper and planthoppers that are resistant to organophosphorus or carbamate insecticides, owing to its pyrethroid-like activity. (This is the case with most pharma- Product may also contain s-methoprene, which prevents larvae from developing. Veterinarian and Exotic Plant Lover... and obsessive, compulsive collector of all oddball tropical and desert plants. Fortunately, there are a variety of products available to help prevent infestation. To prevent accidental exposure, read the directions for any product carefully before use. BUT : cats are more susceptible to synthetic pyrethroids than dogs and do not support doses that are harmless for dogs. Fipronil, methoprene, and etofenprox is not for use on cats or kittens less than 12 weeks of age or under 4 pounds. Reinhard says over-the-counter treatments Bio Spot for cats and Hartz UltraGuard Pro, Flea & Tick Drops for Cats contain etofenprox and methoprene which are safe to use on cats according to the manufacturers. Etofenprox is highly toxic to bees exposed to direct treatment on blooming crops or weeds. Though pyrethrins are a ‘natural’ plant product, remember that ‘Natural’ does not mean safe. ... (containing chemicals such as phenothrin and etofenprox) can also be dangerous for cats. It is also used as an ingredient in flea medication for cats and dogs. above are two products containing the pyrethroid Etofenprox which, at the dosage listed for use on the package, is theorhetically safe for cats. >2000 mg/kg. So kudos to you for looking for ways to keep our bees safe at the same time as you keep your dog free of pesky fleas. ). He isn’t aware of any problems associated with the products. The product is for external use only. Etofenprox itself degrades in 7 to 45 days depending on soil and temperature. It derives … The use of pyrethrins/pyrethroids is very safe in dogs; however, cats and fish are very sensitive to pyrethrins/pyrethroids. Role as a pyrethroid, which is a synthetic of natural pyrethrins fleas ticks! Natural enzyme breakdown of the product re perfectly harmless to most cats tend to lick off products... And there is no picture of a contact insecticide then that very night seeing a poisoning from this toxin my... 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