My X and Z endstops work Perfectly. BUt Y does not . I have edited the config and tried with and with out the ! site design / logo © 2021 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under cc by-sa. it will only lead people to feel fooled once those kind of troubles are discovered. alpha_homing_direction home_to_min # or set to home_to_max and set alpha_max Here we can tell the firmware what the limits are of the travel zones. I've tried changing home position. The other question I have is how to use the E1 driver to drive my second Z motor on my Prusa i3. First atomic-powered transportation in science fiction and the details? You either run grbl or Marlin, not both. How to symmetricize this nxn Identity matrix. I have searched and read lots of posts but nothing fixed the issue. The hard endstop result in a halt state yes, which then requires M999 to get out of. I have a couple of questions though. If we want the axis to travel to maximum position plus home offset, we will need to disable software end-stops. Anyway, I’m trying to get it working again, and since you say that it works (“which Smoothie can do.”), I would be glad to know what I need to enable/activate to do so. I am using a regular limit switch with NC going to the signal pin and the other to ground. Then the machine is able to ignore moves that would go out of the machine area. The travel distance is not calibrated yet and the practical distance will be different than the calculated distance. Bed Leveling is a standard feature on many 3D printers. If you want to control Marlin from a tablet, run octopi on a raspberry pi. I’ve chosen this solution for building my first 32bit printer because of the features it has, BUT, if I knew that from the beginning, I may not have done that choice. Depending of the firmware version of your Marlin, in some cases it gives issues, but if you connect to ZMin it will work perfectly. Plugging them in in the max endstops does show change when they are pressed with M119. Same problem here for me as @Dytoractor, I have 6 Normally Open (NO) endstops (one at min and max of each axis), configured with “!” in order to be inverted. In the case that connecting the 2 wires to the Probe connector the sensor not works, try to connect to the ZMin connector. If yes, why is it not simply and clearly written like that on the documentations ? A typical part has the gcode built with the origin at the parts corner. calibration TOUCH_SCREEN_CALIBRATION Testing repeatability of the probe. I’m using a Ramps 1.4 board with the Marlin-MPCNC_Ramps_T8_16T_LCD_32step_DualEndstop firmware. (I do not understand all the terms.) #define min_software_endstops false #define max_software_endstops false. #define max_software_endstops true. Si je puis me permettre d’après votre fichier config vous n’avez pas de butées beta mini donc pour la prise d’origine je pense que cela doit poser un problème pour le réference de vos déplacements, je dis peut être une co…….! gamma_min_endstop 1.28^ # When software end-stops are enabled, the home offset will not work outside the axis travel limits. A caveat, you can resume the program (play), however the carriage that triggered the limit, will continue on through the limit switch, also, all endstops will be disabled at this point, until the printer is reset. can you help me… i suppose is in marlin but i can’t find the problem. PS: @Dytoractor : did you found a way to avoid this ? Is this true? I may understand that software endstop are not yet implemented, BUT, AT LEAST, is it possible to have hardware endstops working correctly ? try uncommenting the following lines to enable endstop detection on all pins for troubleshooting. Please, update your documentations, state the things has they are not has they will in a potential future, and don’t leave misunderstandings on it. May be there is an explanation for this behaviour, I would be glad to know it, could someone explain that ? I take marlin with double endstops and i can move all axes but not Y2 and Z2? Still not a complete and straight answer, but, we can deduce the following : to resume, FOR NOW on smoothieware, hardware endstops only work for homing action, or as a kill switch. Marlin has support for four temperature sensors (three extruders, one heated bed). » is incorrect. The way this is done is by homing the machine so it knows where it is. By clicking “Post Your Answer”, you agree to our terms of service, privacy policy and cookie policy. Enable DEBUG_LEVELING_FEATURE and M114_DETAIL and re-flash the firmware. If they are optical endstops, first make sure that you have S1 in the M574 command. I uploaded the standard delta marlin and when I go to home the axis', they keep trying to move up after they trigger the endstops. This command can be used to enable one or more steppers (X,Y,Z,E). *** It turned out to be a combination of those lines being commented out and the end stops were connected to the wrong two pins. The post copied below says the end stops only work for homing. Anet A6 Z-axis min endstop not triggering, Z-axis endstop not functioning after Marlin Firmware installation, Limit Switch problems on RAMPS 1.4 and custom built 3D Printer running Marlin 1.1.0-rc6. So to make it clear: Smoothieware does not support software endstops aka. Solved Thanks for replying, but, like I already said on my last message : “I have took a look to the limit_enable thing => it is clearly too drastic ! Issue the command M111 S247 to enable maximum logging. #corexy_homing false # set to true if homing on a hbit or corexy What you can do is to use the MAX endstop pins for the X endstop by defining the X endstop using the pin of the MAX endstop. Below is a link to a video I shot testing all of the axis’ against one of the endstops. Obviously there are many people with problems using TMC2209 with sensorless homing. There is no mechanical failure with the switches, I've tested it with a continuity tester. MathJax reference. I want to insist that « hardware endstops only work for homing action, or as a kill switch. These are mechanical Makerbot 1.2 endstop switches. Connect to your printer from host software such as Cura, Printrun or Repetier Host. For other boards you may need to define FIL_RUNOUT_PIN. That means the z endstop pin doesnt work. I have took a look to the limit_enable thing => it is clearly too drastic ! I am using the dc42 fork of RRF, and I must say, if you're reading this, dc42, your work on the firmware and PanelDue are absolutely fantastic. The offset in X,Y, and Z are the values defined in the firmware (In Marlin Configuration.h). I wanted to get a status on the progress in the area of the endstop functionality. beta_homing_direction home_to_max # Bed Leveling. fly wheels)? UPDATE2: lol … looking to the revisions for the endstop page documentation is … hilarious … modifying it and adding soft endstops, and simply replying here “which Smoothie can do.” without any “Hey we added the feature”, or “hey we updated the documentation” … no simply a “smoothie can do” … that’s not really a honest behaviour …, So I’m not honest now ? Make sure your job has a work offset if you use the endstops. Are you using the latest firmware ? gamma_limit_enable false # set to true to enable Z min and max limit switches. The thing is : it’s much more difficult to implement than it seems ( or it’d be in already ). I have tested that my endstops function by sending M119 and verifying that the endstops correctly show OPEN or … How to find out if a preprint has been already published, Piano notation for student unable to access written and spoken language. Printer moves korrekt, but even software endstops won't work. I have endstops that I bought from makerbot because they have “protection” and let me know when they are triggered. In Pronterface I couldn’t find a stop machine from killing itself button. My config can be found here: / zJZ4SLBx, endstops_enable true # the endstop module is enabled by default and can be disabled here a logical comparison agains a stored min and max value (set on homing) which prevents the machine over- and under-running its axis dimensions? Moving the origin in your CAM program is the easiest fix. I just set up a MKS SBase 1.2 I have everything figured except for two things. If you don’t find them to be don’t hesitate to ask further questions. I home it and it finds a corner… then in the config file I say it is 200mm from the home position. UPDATE: HURRAY !!! you need to ether remove the resistor, which is really hard or asign another pin to the Z endstop and put the signal cable of your probe to this pin. Software end-stops are enabled by default. beta_min_endstop nc # The only thing I can think of is that either the switch is plugged into the wrong pin on the ramps board (Max instead of Min) or the switch doesn't require the pullup (your could try commenting that back as a second test as well). Configuring Marlin is very simple, so there is not much magic to get sensorless homing to work. I have had my 5x board for a while now because everything can make it blow up and I didn’t feel there is enough information to get it right. I am using a regular limit switch with NC going to the signal pin and the other to ground. All 4 files are also in the attached Base config (Z-endstop only, no BLTouch, homing at X=0, Y=0).zip file, the configuration in them matches the config in Option 1. I don’t know anything about carbide motion but if it’s grbl compatible, it probably won’t work for Marlin. All the motors work correctly, I am just having issues getting the endstops to work. If you enable an axis with limit switches, you also need to ensure that the axis-minimum is set to NC to avoid a false trigger of the limit as the carriage is backed off the switch. This issue cannot be closed. If the filament runs out, Marlin will run the specified G-code script (by default M600). ... move X/Y/Z to min endstops\nG29 ;auto level"\n. My endstop configuration is currently: I have X-min enabled and inverted. TO further test, I tried ALL of the motor axis and they all move when holding the same endstop, so its not just that I have them crossed. To test, I have pressed one of the endstops with a finger and have moved the connected axis (in both directions) without the endstop stopping movement. Unfortunately, the method I proposed above does not work. I have Jumper on XST and YST. to invert if endstop is NO connected to ground Angular momentum of a purely rotating body about any axis, Ceramic resonator changes and maintains frequency when touched, White neutral wire wirenutted to black hot, Get app's compatibilty matrix from Play Store. In every step/combination, all other relevant configuration defines are shown for clarity. So from this conversation, I am understanding that only Homing works? I’ll download the latest edge firmware and configure the soft endstops as documented ^^ !! A friend sent this board to me, I thought it was going to be a real SmoothieBoard until i took a look at it. Will it burn up the driver if I connect both motors to the same driver? tailgunner30uktailgunner30uk 12 Aug 2014, 12:50 Really? By reading the documentation, we can deduce that software end-stops are not implemented (by soft end-stops, I mean what any other 3d printer architecture means : limiting max distances), BUT, hardware end-stops (limiting movement by hardware eg. That’s just a guess. Im using CNCjs and it seems to connect fine but when I go to move it though the GUI it doesn’t move. In the meantime, if your machine is capable of harming itself, please install min and max endstops and enable limit_switches. Endstops are used only for homing, and for limit switches, at the moment. If you configure them as limit switches then you cannot step past them once triggered. No dishonesty there, just a lot of hard volunteer work. How to calculate charge analysis for a molecule, Don't understand the current direction in a flyback diode circuit. All primary/basic features are already handled by 8bit arch 3d printer controllers, I was search for some new features and enhancements (SD card config, network, speed …), but not in sacrifice of primary/basics ones. gamma_min 0 # Or I can enable limit switches which pause the machine… sure it paused which is good but the machine is useless at this point until I turn everything off and back on. Also check for continuity again, using a multimeter. You can connect two motors to a single driver, that’s no problem, it’s how most people do it on i3-type machines. "it is possible that the endstop pin on the Atmel chip is not working anymore. It might, but the motion feedback in grbl is totally different. If the status does not change when activated it is most likely due to bad pin-wiring on Ramps, but it can also be the firmware. I am having problems with my Y endstops from working . This is sad… and dangerous for the mechanical integrity of a machine… This should be implemented asap!!! Marlin’s extruders=0 or remapping of pins is used in the firmware to allow the use of all the control boards drivers. In reading posts on the forum about endstops, it looks like endstops on Smoothie may not work the way I expect them too. Does that answer your question, or was there more to it ? the y axis works perfect. Having my beta-endstop at the max position of my Y-axis I would love to see the bed moving to its logical origin. with mechanical or optical end-stops) is mandatory while building printers. Have you implemented the functionality you referred to earlier in this tread? Implemented in many other firmware like marlin or teacup …. What sort of work environment would require both an electronic engineer and an anthropologist? Hi, I have been scouring the internet for weeks trying to get my Arduino Due + RADDS 1.5 + PanelDue set up for my Kossel printer. EDIT: 1.1.7 debug HAS_TRINAMIC_CONFIG ... sdcard HAS_SPI_FLASH SDSUPPORT MARLIN_DEV_MODE M993-M994 - SD / SPI Flash. If I get this figured out, I am going to buy a board from you guys to put in my k40 laser. beta_max_endstop 1.27^ # I finally said screw it, if I break it I break it! This was without ANY USB plugged in and using the touch screen to move. We do not have software endstops, we are working on implementing those ( it’s more complicated than you’d expect, it’s the only major feature we are still missing ). All the motors work correctly, I am just having issues getting the endstops to work. As expected things go wrong. … worse for max_endstops : even triggered, it tries to go further, hitting the max_endstop does NOT even stop the movement, and does NOT protect the printer. You can have “hitting end of axes causes the movement to be ignored”, which is what you asked for ( correct me if I misunderstood ). Marlin indicates this by blinking question-marks in place of X, Y and Z on the LCD screen (v1.1.8 and older) or blinking ‘?’ in place of the coordinates besides X,Y and Z (Marlin v1.1.9 / v2.0.0 and newer). beta_max 200 # Don’t go beyond the maximum limit. I'm frustrated. After firmware ( is uploaded, I experience 2 issues: The LCD is showing 2 lines of squares where I expected the Marlin logo first and then the default home screen. The endstop did not stop any movement in any direction. Here is the boilerplate: Download Marlin bugfix-2.0.x to test with the latest code. So “universal” way is to put in an optocoupler which is not only working but protects your board from damaging Sensor support. Can an exiting US president curtail access to Air Force One from the new president? On solidoodles board the + and - are reversed for the endstop connectors by default. The console got the commands and and it looks like it should have moved. halting the entire printer is not what I want : I just want the axis to stop at hardware endstop and do not go further on the endstop direction if triggered …”, "A reset will be required to continue, or sending M999, make sure you move away from the endstop though before trying to move. control M121 - Disable Endstops. Disable endstops and keep them enabled when not homing. As supplied, the endstops are only configured as home switches, in effect, once triggered, you can manually step, or drive the head past them. If you have any endstops not behaving you turn off the printer, unplug the USB and Check the pin-connection.Correct as nesccesary. The version of Marlin that I use (Bugfix 2.0x (and all other current versions I presume)) **doesn’t react to a Stop command until after the current move has completed. Well I’m sorry I do my best to make my answers complete and straight. I found the way the limit switches are implemented (machine full stop) to be overly dramatic for my use case. gamma_max 200 #, #homing_order XYZ # x axis followed by y then z last, alpha_limit_enable false # set to true to enable X min and max limit switches I've checked M119 and all three of the endstops show to be triggered when manually pushed. -Not very good for a kill switch really. If you where to cut out that part it would result in going negative past your endstops and misalign your machine. updated the mks firmware bin to smoothiewares edge. beta_min 0 # What are the earliest inventions to store and release energy (e.g. I've attached a copy of my Marlin configuration.h file. If I am wrong then the machine tries to make it to 200mm by brute force! It can be caused by static getting into the pin from the endstop wiring, Ive seen a few of these happen on X3s and X3 Pros. I clicked the z-axis movement in Pronterface many times to get it to the endstop and my machine runs the y axis into the bed nonstop until it ripped the couplings off the z motors. move_to_origin_after_home worked last time I tried it ( and it was with a beta axis homing to max too ). Negative moves do not work on the X and Y axis with endstops. To learn more, see our tips on writing great answers. Use MathJax to format equations. If the seller is unable to help you, feel free to ask again here. The endstops are wired NC -> top 3D Printing Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for 3D printing enthusiasts. Thanks a lot. Thanks to #7470, #define ENDSTOPS_ALWAYS_ON_DEFAULT is always uncommented (enabled). Most additions to the wiki are related to requests by users, every time I see something that isn’t documented and that is talked about in a forum/mailinglist/G+ etc, I try to add it to the documentation. Thanks! Im having an issue after flashing my Rambo 1.4 to Marlin 1.1.9 with dual endstops and LCD support. I feel that the machine has a nebulous idea of where the machine is at. Could you please explain what I should do ? Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. You can set the value of the parameter to 0 (not used), 1 (RRW thermistor 100K) or -1 (RRW thermo couple). Because this is a MKS board and not a community-supported board, you want to contact your seller before trying to get help from the community. This is functionally identical to “hitting the actual endstop stops the axis”. How can a non-US resident best follow US politics in a balanced well reported manner? Documentation has been updated since the end of February !! alpha_max_endstop nc # NOTE set to nc if this is not installed I currently don’t have the LCD, could this be preventing it from working? Endstops on X and Z axis seem to be working correctly but Yaxis endstop seems to have no effect. All of my attempts to contact any support have ended up with nonsensical responses in broken English that did not address the issue I am having. Or if I click the move motor buttons pronterface will move it to whatever I want regardless of a switch. Re: (Kossel) Alpha axis crashes into end stop AFTER successful homing I did end up disconnecting which stopped the motors but when I reconnected it started up anew. You’ve been very agressive towards people who are giving you their free time as a present, I can’t understand it, and I think you need to read :, Powered by Discourse, best viewed with JavaScript enabled,, As said before, I need the endstops for homing AND to let the board know when it has reached the start of the axis, and that the other end is 200 mm in the other direction without coming to a full stop because the end stop was hit. hi i … I have everything but two There is a spec here that explains a bit : What would you expect on a mill or a fdm printer to do for a move that goes outside of the workspace? optional order in which axis will home, default is they all home at the same time, if this is set it will force each axis to home one at a time in the specified order, optional enable limit switches, actions will stop if any enabled limit switch is triggered. It only takes a minute to sign up. when you hit an endstop in max, you cannot go any further forwards, but you can still operate and go backwards. Apparently it is a bug for MAC but i am using WIndows 8.1. on the axis’. He wants the machine to ignore any command that would take it outside the work area, which Smoothie can do. Are Random Forests good at detecting interaction terms? Glad to hear that things are moving along. Yes, this is not supported. #define min_software_endstops true. I would like to have them separate for auto level but I may try to join them on the same driver. @Ulysse31 I’m confused about what you are trying to achieve and would really like to understand the rationale behind your request?! The unused extruder driver/s are used for the extra stepper/s. RAMPS-based boards use SERVO3_PIN. Please can someone confirm : to resume, on smoothieware, hardware endstops only work for homing action, or as a kill switch. bon courage, has there been a solution to this i have same problem Initial script (GCODE commands) I have an old Solidoodle 2 that I bought broken from a garage sale that I am converting to use RAMPS 1.4 with Marlin Firmware. Is the line uncommented ? Since this project is not new (smoothie is around for about 4/5 years now), why is it not simply stated like this on the documentation ? If I enable the 3 “limit switches” lines, the printer does stop when the switch is hit, but then I have to reset. Enable endstops and keep them enabled when not homing. I used the 2.00 pin on the SKR 1.3 and im going to use the 0.10 pin on the SKR 1.4. Any suggestions, advice, or input would be welcome. It’s something that is being actively worked on. When I home (in Pronterface Here) in the Y direction its as if the endstop is not even connected no response form the switch. I have even shorted the signal and ground pins on the Ramps board with a jumper wire and I still haven't seen any change. rev 2021.1.8.38287, The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, 3D Printing Stack Exchange works best with JavaScript enabled, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site, Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, Learn more about hiring developers or posting ads with us. alpha_min_endstop 1.24^ # add a ! It takes the guess-work out of getting a good first layer and good bed adhesion. If they never show as triggered, check that the flag on the end of the axis blocks the slot completely, and that there is a pullup resistor between the sensor … com / watch?v=r8IndlYyA_0 (remove spaces). I have an old Solidoodle 2 that I bought broken from a garage sale that I am converting to use RAMPS 1.4 with Marlin Firmware. I think I had the wrong idea of what an endstop did as well. ", This, is clearly too drastic, so useless in my case …. this is 3d printer hardware protection basics. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. Then, if the endstops show as triggered all the time, your endstops are probably not 3.3V compatible and you need to modify them - see Connecting endstop switches. They are not configured just like the smoothie wiki because they are NO when plugged in… That’s when I add the “!” invert and M119. It’s me again, was away for a long time … my projects were on stanby for some problems I had … Stack Exchange network consists of 176 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. How far would we have to travel to make all of our familiar constellations unrecognisable? Connecting Sain Smart Mechanical End Stops to Ramps 1.4? Im finally getting around to setting up my Mini Kossel. when i try to auto home my printer via LCD or in the software it seems that it totally ignores the endstops of the x+z axis. Because, for now, after homing all the axis (which it does correctly, stoping once hitting mins endstops), if I say to smoothie to go backwards on any axis (which obviously physically cannot do since it is on the endstop min) it still force like a dull, by the way eating my belts on the motors pulley teethes … same for max endstop. Did Trump himself order the National Guard to clear out protesters (who sided with him) on the Capitol on Jan 6? Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. (though I really want it to work on my i3 prusa homemade clone). Homing functions works correctly, BUT, after homed (all home_to_min, so min_endstops are triggered), if I ask the printer to go further backwards … it tries to go further even with the endstop triggerred (which, for me, is a complete NONSENSE! ) About drivers. However, you can use the soft endstops feature ( with the halt option disabled ) to tell the machine to stop when it’s at the end of the axes ( so you can set it up so it stops right before the endstop ). I have searched and read lots of posts but nothing fixed the issue. How do others use this correctly? it is simple => a 3d printer behaviour (not cnc) => on any axis, when you hit an endstop in min you can not go any further backwards, but you can still operate and go forwards. Printer area. Locate the lines #define TEMP_SENSOR_N where N = number of the extruder (0-2) or BED for heated bed. @arhi: what I want ? Hello all. youtube . When I send an M119 (endstop status code) I recieve: And then when I press down the X endstop with my hand I get: -No change. gamma_homing_direction home_to_min # This is great, following what is written on the documentation, it seems to do exactly the expected behaviour I was talking about ! halting the entire printer is not what I want : I just want the axis to stop at hardware endstop and do not go further on the endstop direction if triggered … Work offsets. First, my endstops are supposed to be working properly (checked with M119), but when homing one of the axis’ (random) will just keep going and crashing into the endstop. To buy a board from you guys to put in an optocoupler which not... Calculate charge analysis for a move that goes outside of the endstops and... Tested it with a continuity tester go any marlin endstops not working forwards, but software... Said screw it, could this be preventing it from working configuring Marlin is simple! 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