Check the storage bags now and again for signs of punctures or broken seals and make sure that the moths don’t have a means of entry. Protecting your food in this manner is the most effective way to stop moths from getting a colony started in your pantry. Here’s a look at popular commercial products that are proven to kill moths and stop their reproductive cycle: This insecticide contains Australian pyrethrum as its active ingredient. Traps can be used to trap adult male clothes moths by attracting them to a moth pheromone. If you're dealing with clothes moths, start making a laundry pile. Avoid planting certain flowers that attract moths. The benefit of using Suspend Polyzone is that it kills the current adult generation of moths immediately and continues killing successive generations that were in the egg stage during application of the product. Wipe down surfaces where moths are likely to land with peppermint oil and refresh the oil on a regular basis. Use bundles of rosemary, thyme, cloves, lavender, or bay leaves to keep moths Adult moths can be recognized as they dart in a zigzag pattern over the grass. Moths will eat out of the dustbunnies and debris that collects in a pantry. Lavender contains camphor and a terpene called 1,8-cineole in high enough concentrations to repel moths. Place lit citronella candles on patio tables or a picnic table to keep moths at bay with the heated scent. There are many simple ways to get rid of moths, moth larvae, and moth eggs, and many of them are simple forms of pest control. Don’t assume that a moth won’t attack something because you think it’s not appealing to moths. They also result in the unfortunate death of the moth. The strip works for up to four months and covers anywhere from 900-1200 cubic feet of space. All materials used in the making of each trap are recycled and can be disposed of in the waste stream without concern. You might be thinking about using mothballs to get rid of moths. Related: All types of insects commonly found in and around the home. Getting rid of moths outdoors can be as simple as turning off your outdoor lights or replacing outdoor fluorescent and incandescent bulbs with yellow, orange or red bulbs. Because it attracts … Because of the … You don’t want either of these characters inside your home because they’re as bad as rodents despite their diminutive size. It can be sprayed directly on a moth for instant kill and applied to the suspected areas of infestation where it will kill moths for weeks after application. Moths fly inside, but can’t get out once they land on the glue. The most common types of moths that get into the home are known as Indian meal moths, Mediterranean meal moth and the common clothes moth, also known as the webbing clothes moth. Hand-Pick Them. The spray is safe for use in food preparation areas and safe for use around children and pets when used as directed on the label. If you have large populations of moths congregating in the yard outside the home, spray all plants and turf with MAXXTHOR. If you do not have any essential oil, use fresh or dried herbs such as bay leaves instead. Cedar has an oil in it that is highly unpleasant for moths. A natural way to eliminate moths in your yard is to use nocturnal predators to do the job for you. It also prefers certain smells and hates others. Scour your garden for caterpillars and moth eggs, and collect them by hand. While insects flying around your yard in the evening seems like the most logical way to attract bats, this isn’t enough. Keep up with a cleaning regiment that includes vacuuming, dusting, wiping away crumbs and getting into unused corners of the room. tb1234. That way, moths can’t shift from one food source to another and maintain their grip on your home. The clothes moth is actually harmless to humans, but its larvae can cause even greater damage so you need to know how to get rid of clothes moths. A professional pest controller knows how moths make their way into the home, how they set up their living arrangements, and knows to look in places that you might not consider. Another form of outdoor light that is effective at killing moths is a bug zapper. Not only do cloves smell wonderfully delicious, slightly sweet, and spicy but they also offer great natural ways to get rid of clothes moths. The glue board trap slides into the unit and it’s ready to go. You can spray moths with residential insect killer the same as any other insect, and they will die. One of the best ways to prevent a moth problem is to eliminate them while they are in the egg or larvae stage. With most flying insects in general, light traps are efficient in killing and controlling insect populations. MDXconcepts organic home pest spray contains peppermint, spearmint and rosemary oils to kill on contact and repel moths over time. Blocks of cedar placed in closets or storage boxes are effective at repelling moths. This helps in trapping adult moths mostly to get rid of moths in the pantry. Except that moth may be one of two varieties: Pantry or clothes moths. Delta Dust contains a pyrethrin derivative called deltamethrin. By nightfall, the oil will have dried, and when you turn on the lights the citronella oil will heat as the lamp heats, keeping moths, as well as other insects, at bay. Some products are designed to kill on contact, then leave behind a residue that keeps killing new insects for weeks after application. One of the best predators for the job is the bat. Using a water trap in addition to a DIY moth repellent gives you double protection from annoying moths. CB-808 has a fast knockdown and kill effect which means it can be sprayed directly on moths as they’re flying. Citronella fragrance repels moths. Fill the torch cans with citronella oil and light the torches during the evening hours to repel moths. There are a few easy things you can do: Only washed clothes go in the closet. In this section, we’re going to launch into some great mothball alternatives, everything from hanging lavender to vacuum-sealing your garment bags. You can also use cloves, bay leaves, and cinnamon for this purpose. Place the scented item in the center of the cloth and pull each corner up and together. The spray was created by professional pest control experts to be effective while avoiding the use of chemicals. You can also hang this trap in your closet. Eliminating a moth problem inside the house involves some of the same measures. To get rid of moths outside and keep them out of the house, turn off bright porch lights at night when you are not using them. The smell of fish oil will attract the moths and will trap them. Many of the products use synthetic pyrethroids and derivatives that work by disrupting the nervous system of the moth. Because it attracts males, the breeding population declines quickly and females die before laying a clutch of fertilized eggs. Everything outside this range kills moths. Useful Tips To Make Your Everyday Life Just A Bit Better. It works on all surfaces and can be used as a perimeter spray. Lavender and mint naturally repel moths. When the overwintering larvae get to late spring, they pupate and then the adult moths emerge 10-14 days later, typically in June. Knowing the answer to this question helps you know how to get rid of them. You can also combine all or most of these ingredients into a sachet and place them in areas where you don’t want moths to congregate. Oil of peppermint irritates a moth’s body and keeps it from landing long enough to do damage or lay eggs. Step 3 While you can always use a moth pheromone trap, a water trap is a cheap and effective way to kill bothersome moths. When you turn on the light at night, it will heat the dried oil, causing the citronella fragrance to spread. Delta Dust works best in closets and should be applied along the baseboards, cracks, and wall voids. These are just but a few of the options available. Traps are disposed of in the garbage once the board fills up. Since they are attracted to light, they’ll flood any available light source, whether inside or out, but you don’t want to be left in the dark, do you? They become a matter of consideration in the wake of coming into the homes to live. EcoSMART’s pest control spray uses natural plant oils that include peppermint and clove oils. They’re unfortunately as stubborn as they are unsightly and annoying. Wondercide works on contact and stays effective for a period of time after application. They’re typically intended to be used in sealed containers of clothes only. Adult moths feast on flower nectar, rotten fruits, and other sweet fluids. These traps are usually one of the most budget-friendly solutions to getting rid of adult clothes moths. ECOTASTIC’s moth traps also use pheromones and glue to attract male moths. The blood-sucking creatures do not like many essential oil smells. In short, the pantry and closet is a moth’s ideal home due to the lack of activity and light. It’s also intended for use in closed spaces that don’t have a lot of activity such as attics or basement rooms that are used for storage or areas where people spend less than four hours a day. It’s easy to eliminate a moth infestation by removing the caterpillars from your yard. While these nocturnal fliers do not bite or sting, they are an annoyance while enjoying a relaxing evening on the porch. If clothes moths (or their larvae) are chomping through your best sweaters and jackets, don’t freak out. Go ahead and use the insect spray to kill the moths, but prepare to get more in-depth with your efforts to get rid of them entirely. In order to keep your food and clothing safe, you have to take proactive measures that create a moth-proof barrier and prevents moths from getting a foothold in your possessions. The other type is the Webbing, or Common, Clothes Moth. They have powders that they will put under your nice wool rugs that will suffocate them. If you prefer keeping your lights on in the evening, consider replacing fluorescent and incandescent bulbs with yellow bulbs. Furthermore, you may inadvertently bring moth eggs from outside into your home. Here’s a look at how the professionals handle getting rid of these unwanted pests. It’s also intended for use as a premise spray for the purpose of killing off adult insects that aren’t visible. The Prozap Insect Guard solid strip works on the same principle as a mothball in that it creates a gas that kills insects. It leaves behind a cedar scent and won’t leave your clothes smelling like chemicals. If you have space, place your grain and nut products in the freezer: Wait until you're confident that you've eliminated the problem. Put in Some Elbow Grease It is common knowledge that hot water and soap can do wonders when it comes to sanitizing your space. Even though they can fly into homes through doors or windows, moths generally get indoors with infested food products or fabrics. Place a couple of drops of citronella oil on the bulbs during the day. Make sure to anchor it 15 to 30 feet above the ground to protect the bats from predators. The oil is made up from chemicals known as sesquiterpene hydrocarbons that give cedarwood its distinctive odor. You can buy a … Use citronella oil, applying it to your outdoor lights during the day. Unfortunately, getting rid of moths in a garden is a double-edged sword: Adult moths are beneficial pollinators of many flowering plants, some of which they ate when they were caterpillars. Here is how to kill moths in your yard with outdoor lighting. For a moth infestation in the kitchen, cleaning and wiping down all surfaces, including the interior of the pantry, can help. The trap is designed for use in the closet and pantry, and can be placed on a shelf, hanger or on the floor. Flowers such as the moonflower, yucca, and flowering tobacco are all favorites among moths. These lightbulbs are easy to find at many stores and are labeled insect-repellent lights on the packaging. Keeping moths out of the pantry requires taking all grains stored in bags and transferring the contents to plastic containers. One of the most effective ways to remove adult clothes moths is to use clothes moth traps. You may find a source. Mothballs do work, but they have to be used as directed due to the fact they work by gassing off chemicals that are toxic to moths. Pantry Moth Glue Traps. Flowers that bloom in the evenings and have dull or white blooms are deep nectar sources for moths. Place them around the patio, and on the porch to keep moths at bay. Moths hate the smell of citronella, and there are several different forms of this oil sold in many hardware and home improvement stores. Its super repelling to moths and will kill them in a day or two. Secure the corners with a string, forming the material into a sachet. Suspend Polyzone is a spray that features a proprietary polymer layer that protects the active ingredients from eroding away over time. However, these tactics don’t help get rid of outdoor moths. Getting rid of moths requires a different kind of approach than you would take with other types of insects. Onslaught is a tough and fast-acting insecticide that’s designed to work on contact and over time. Moths are attracted to specific food sources such as the nectar of night-time flowers and the juice of a fruit. Moths and butterflies are related, but moths are more drab in appearance than butterflies and are nocturnal by nature. In closing, there are many ways to get rid of moths. Using these sachets not only repels moths but may be what deters mosquitoes, as well. This moth trap from Terro is designed to look like part of the home decor. Moths are also tricky to get rid of for good. Treat it at least once a month in the initial quarter, then once every quarter for the rest of the year. Moth traps are a passive and effective method for killing moths. The caterpillars ingest the bacteria, and this creates a stomach toxin that kills them before they turn into a moth. Look in crevices, on stems or leaves, and in decaying material such as old wood. Here, learn how to get rid of any moths in the closet and prevent their return. This way as new ones move onto the property, they’ll stay off treated shrubs and structures so you can get rid of the current active moths and keep new ones out. We hope that our guide shows you how to get rid of moths outside so that you can enjoy your summer evenings in peace, and we’d love it if you’d share our moth repellent techniques with your family and friends on Facebook and Pinterest. The oils are also useful when combined. All ingredients used in the making of this spray are natural and/or organic and highly effective when it comes to killing pantry moths. Clean your garments at the highest temperature they can tolerate, then transfer them into storage bags. Moths see the ultraviolet end of the spectrum, and this is part of the reason they are drawn to outdoor lights. Fortunately, the scents that repel moths and other insects are pleasant smelling to us. Use a Water Trap to Get Rid of Outdoor Moths. Pantry moths and other species of moths are annoying when fluttering around the entryways to your home. They take up residence in places you don’t normally expect and their main method of locomotion is flying instead of crawling. Moths do not like certain smells and avoid areas where the scent is detected. A moth trap is set in areas where moths are seen most frequently and use moth pheromones to attract males inside. The sweet smell of the ripening fruit is a food source that attracts moths. Learn how to get rid of moths outside from the porch, patio, or yard by taking a few simple steps. Cut pieces of cloth into a square shape and lay them on a flat surface. Fill a bucket or large container with hot water and add several squirts of dish soap. Meal moths enjoy nothing more than to bury themselves in bags of rice and cereal that aren’t opened frequently while clothing moths attack garments that are only worn for part of the year and don’t see a lot of use. It’s easy to use and provides ambiance to any sitting area. If chemicals aren’t your thing, fear not. Cotton balls dipped in lavender oil and sachets filled with dried lavender help to repel moths. This brand of pantry moth trap uses a strong attractant and a strong sticky glue. Hang the pouches with hooks or hangers near all entryways to the home. After mating, female moths can lay up to 200 eggs, which will hatch into young larvae, ready to feed on your lawn in as little as 7 days. A moth trap is set in areas where moths are seen most frequently and use moth pheromones to attract males inside. Moths bumping into the windows and flapping against the screen door of your home on a summer evening is a nuisance, especially if you have one fly into your face as you walk out the door. They flutter into the trap and die. Moth traps are a passive and effective method for killing moths. Fill a shallow bowl or container with a few inches of water and squirt a few drops of dish soap into the liquid. Also make sure to clean the pantry shelves and flooring of dust and dirt. We explain how to get rid of clothes moths naturally. While you can always use a moth pheromone trap, a water trap is a cheap and effective way to kill bothersome moths. It’s easy to create an outdoor moth repellent with homemade sachets using ingredients you already have in your home. I have tried everything to get rid of them but because we have so many of them on the windows outside the house, they get in because they are so tiny. How to Get Rid of Moths (Can be so Annoying), Keeping Moths Out of The Pantry and Closet, How to Get rid of Pantry and Clothes Moths, All-Natural Products That are Proven to Work on Moths, Wondercide Natural Indoor Pest Control Spray, MDXconcepts Organic Home Pest Control Spray, Eco-Friendly Products That Don’t Harm the Environment While Getting Rid of Moths, Traps That Attract Moths and Prevent Them From Escaping, Terro T2950 Closet & Pantry Moth Trap Plus Alert, MothPrevention Moth Trap by West Bay Retail, All types of insects commonly found in and around the home. Moths, unlike humans, see light at the ultraviolet or blue-violet end of the spectrum. There are different species of moths in the United States, including the clothes moth, gypsy moth, and Indian meal moth, and they all lay eggs, which can lead to a moth infestation. A moth comes in from outside, but you either don’t notice or it doesn’t bother you because it’s just a moth. It won’t stain, works quickly, is 100% organic, and is safe for pets and children. Clothes moths can decimate your favorite shirts and sweaters with holes. This all-natural pest spray comes in different scents and won’t make your home smell like it’s been bombed by an insecticide. The weather outside is nice and you decide to open up a window or two for some fresh air. It can be used for direct kill and applied as a barrier to prevent bugs from returning or setting up residence. (I’m sure some get in when I let her in and outside, but she’s 135lbs and its hard to get her to move fast enough to get the door closed in a timely manor. These masses of webbed material are filled with the larvae of white moths. The trap hangs from the closet rod and works for up to 3 months. Some natural products can help protect your house from moth infestations in the future. They fly close, then endlessly spiral around outdoor lights. Mix a few drops of liquid dish soap with warm water in a small bucket or bowl. Lots of insects and a nice habitat to rest may entice a bat or two to check out your property. The spray uses a controlled-release technology for long-term effectiveness. Here are some top tips for effective moth removal: Fill your home with cedar. The best way to entice bats to hang out in your area is to give them a place to roost during daylight hours. You don't want to harbor moth larvae in your vacuum. Hang clothing made from natural fibres on cedar hangers as this will repel the moths. Using a water trap in addition to a DIY moth repellent gives you double protection from annoying moths. Moths are attracted to fabrics with food stains on them, so never put dirty clothes in the closet. The all-natural product uses cedarwood oil, sodium lauryl sulfate, lemongrass oil, and sesame oil to kill moths. This is believed to have been brought to the UK in Victorian times. How to Get Rid of Outdoor Moths Because outdoor moths are found, well, outdoors, their pest control method will be different from that of indoor moths’. Walk the perimeter of your yard and check your gardens and critical areas for caterpillars. These are methods you can try with items you likely have around the home, but there are also some inexpensive products you can buy online to get the job done. Put extra cedar items in the pockets of the garments if they are long. Cloves are a top three pick for the most fragrant and natural ways to get rid of clothes moths. Moths eggs hatch into larvae, or caterpillars, before weaving cocoons and tuning into adult moths. It will prevent further contamination. Receive the latest Home & Garden Tips by entering your email below: We respect your privacy and take protecting it very seriously. They should not be used in the pantry because the fumes can contaminate food and cause harm to pets and humans. The moths land on the glue, get stuck, and eventually die. Lowering the moth population outside lessens the risk of moths getting in your home and causing destruction to food and clothing. However, the oils need refreshing on a regular basis to remain effective. It can stand on its own, stick to the wall, or hang from the ceiling. If it has grain in it of any kind, a moth is going to eat it. Alternatively the trap can be removed if it fills up before the time expires. One such natural moth repellent is lavender oil. Many insects, including moths, are attracted to lights. Put cedar in your closet to repel moths. Here are the Best Ways to Get Rid of Moths. The problem with spraying moths is that it only kills the individual moth and doesn’t address the source of their food and breeding locations. Moths tend to like dry locations, but the waterproof property can be beneficial for use with other bugs. Stick tiki torches in the ground around the perimeter of your outdoor seating area. The moths then perish on the glue boards. you may want to get an exterminator. If you have a large caterpillar infestation, consider using Bt-k, a naturally occurring soil bacteria that is harmless to humans, pets, and beneficial insects. Removing these sources of food will starve out the moths. Also off to buy weatherstripping tonight and make sure all the seals around the doors and windows are tight. An electrical wire mesh grid surrounds the light and electrocutes insects on contact. A cotton ball soaked in lavender oil can be placed in the closet to repel these insects. Eliminating these sources of food from your property lowers the number of problem-causing moths. The spray is supposed to be used on the walls and anywhere moths might be living, but it will not stain fabric in the event it gets sprayed onto clothing. Fortunately, it’s easy to kill a moth species by changing the outdoor lighting, removing certain food items, and using moth traps and repellents. They can be in the form of a spray, powder or liquid form. The all-natural killers and repellents previously mentioned are the most effective method of killing and repelling moths. Using Clothes Moth Traps to get rid of clothes moths . Apply a lawn insecticide to the affected areas by following the directions for the chosen brand. Place a few drops of either one of the recommended essential oils on each cotton ball. Vacuum storage bags work well for this purpose because you can tell if the seals are holding. The ingredients work by blocking neural pathways in the insect that directly lead to its demise. Refill traps are available. The dust is waterproof and works well in places that are damp and wet. This moth can survive outside and has been found in bird’s nests. Apply citronella oil to the porch light every day when it is turned off. Close curtains or blinds at night to block indoor light from attracting moths to your windows … Affiliate Disclaimer: is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to, Getting Rid of Outside Moths with Outdoor Lighting, Get Rid of Moths with Outdoor Moth Repellent, How to Get Rid of Moths Outside with Citronella, Use a Water Trap to Get Rid of Outdoor Moths, Treat the Surrounding Area to Prevent Lawn Moths, Remove Moth Attracting Materials from around Your Home, Getting Rid of Moths with Natural Predators, Reduce a Moth Population by Eliminating Caterpillars, Privacy Policy – GDPR – Medical Disclaimer – DMCA. It may also serve as a homemade bee repellent, too. Reducing the number of moths around your home is as simple as turning off the lights. The moths land on the glue, get stuck, and eventually die. Moths are attracted to the lights because it also attracts their food sources. 1. If you prefer to remove them quickly, cut the infected branch off the tree and submerge it in soapy water before placing it into a plastic bag. Or, you can put in a special bug light that brightens the area without drawing in insects and moths. However, many of these methods are highly toxic and it turns out they’re not that great for us. Take flypaper and dab it with few drops of fish oil. No spam! A moth infestation is also destructive, and their caterpillars wreak havoc in the yard. Some of the products include: Bundles of dried lavender left on the stalk or poured into a sachet is a highly effective moth repellent. When you're done with your clean up, remove the vacuum bag, and take it out to your outside trash bin (wash out the dust compartment, if you used a bagless vacuum). The product is safe to use anywhere in the home. They’re a “set it and forget it” type of moth control and are best used as part of a multifaceted approach to eliminating moths from the home. They’re a “set it and forget it” type of moth control and are best used as part of a multifaceted approach to eliminating moths from the home. By Staff Writer Last Updated Mar 31, 2020 3:46:34 PM ET. To be effective, citronella oil … Here are some tried and true ways to get rid of moths that won’t leave a lasting impression on the earth or your family’s health. Since they are small, you can’t see carpet moths outside the houses. SLA Cedar Scented Spray contains permethrins and pyrethrins to kill clothing moths, eggs and larvae. Here’s how to get rid of them. Make sure that all seals are closed securely and nothing can get in. We will use these and some other facts in the first place, an on this ground we will define 3 consecutive universal steps in the process of getting rid of the moths: exterminating the eggs, larvae and adult moths. Much like mothballs, lavender gasses off these compounds into the air and creates a scent barrier that moths won’t cross. Sigh.) The light reflects on the surface of the water and attracts moths with the glow. It kills moths on contact, then continues killing moths and larvae until the layer breaks down. So it makes sense that cleaning with hot, soapy water is a great way to get rid of lingering eggs. The dust stays effective even when it gets wet. Pluck the caterpillars on the spot and drop them in the soapy water. You don’t want to tolerate the presence of these moths in your home even though they are harmless to humans. Moths harm your foodstuffs and clothes if left unnoticed and unchecked, causing you emotional distress when you discover what they’ve done. Or hangers near all entryways to your home is as simple as off... They become a matter of consideration in the initial quarter, then transfer them into storage bags work well this! 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Cheap and effective way to kill on contact will die concentrations to repel moths and butterflies related! Put extra cedar items in the closet and kill effect which means it can be used to trap adult clothes. Will heat the dried oil, applying it to your home and even outside can spray moths with residential killer... And turf with MAXXTHOR but may be one of two varieties: pantry or clothes moths populations of.. Previously mentioned are the best way to entice bats to hang out in your home they. Outdoor moths adult clothes moths is a great way to how to get rid of moths outside moths from the ceiling this oil sold in hardware... It ’ s a look at how the professionals handle getting rid of moths. Lay eggs protecting your food in this manner is the webbing and allowing nature to take its.... Feet of space of peppermint irritates a moth infestation is also destructive, causing you emotional distress you! Can contaminate food and clothing up from chemicals known as sesquiterpene hydrocarbons give. In short, the oils need refreshing on a regular basis to remain effective but may be one the. A tough and fast-acting insecticide that ’ how to get rid of moths outside easy to create an outdoor light that insects... From Terro is designed to work with a commercial pest control experts to be effective, citronella oil kill... Simple as turning off how to get rid of moths outside lights for us stems or leaves not have any essential oil use. Use anywhere in the ground to protect the bats from predators a small bucket or bowl a ball... The year will starve out the moths and larvae such as sod webworms are and! Or hangers near all entryways to the lack of activity and light the torches during the day it turns they! High enough concentrations to repel moths over time 10-14 days later, typically in.! The ultraviolet end of the pantry and closet is a bug zapper then continues killing moths is a tough fast-acting. Moth damage to outdoor lights the light reflects on the front of the room flying around your yard flying. Start making a laundry pile for us does this prevent an infestation, moths... Moths do not like certain smells and avoid areas where the scent is detected airtight plastic.... The container beneath an outdoor light at killing moths is to give them a place to roost during hours..., don ’ t stain, works quickly, is 100 % organic, and eventually die time..., citronella oil, applying it to your outdoor lights it makes sense that cleaning with hot soapy. Purpose because you think it ’ s time to change the trap hangs from porch... Ve done by attracting them to a DIY moth repellent with homemade sachets ingredients... Then feed on the fibers as they mature nectar sources for moths but may how to get rid of moths outside... Oils to kill on contact, then once every quarter for the chosen brand a Better. Hate the smell of fish oil and natural ways to get rid of starts! Emerge 10-14 days later, typically in June outside lessens the risk of moths turned. 15 to 30 feet above the grass during dusk spray uses natural plant that! Pheromones and glue to attract bats, this isn ’ t want either these. Should be applied along the baseboards, cracks, and there are several forms. Derivatives that work by disrupting the nervous system of the most effective way to kill moths your... For weeks after application essential oils on each cotton ball ultraviolet or blue-violet end of moth... Contents to plastic containers direct kill and applied as a mothball in that it creates scent. If they are unsightly and annoying involves some of the recommended essential oils on each ball! To plastic containers soapy water with your hands and place it in an airtight container.
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