In fact, for tightly curved edges, you must use bias to get a nice flat binding that doesn’t cup. Tools for trimming a quilt to prepare it for binding. Instructions to Double Fold Bind a Quilt. Cut the fabric for quilt binding by cutting strips of fabric along the crosswise grain. ROTARY CUT STRAIGHT BINDING STRIPS CALCULATOR. Most quilt books suggest that you cut your binding strips 2 inches wide. Cutting strips. I use to machine attach it to the back and then fold it around to the front and hand paste. Or better yet, put this in your favorites and come back often. You'll need some overage in order to piece the final join of the binding, typically 10-12 inches is recommended. The required length of the quilt binding. Using your quilting ruler, trim the end of your binding strips at a 45 degree angle, as shown below. The most common way to finish a quilt's edges is to bind it. At this point, a lot of people like to turn the binding over the sides and hold it down with little clips. Once you click the Calculate button, you will see 2 calculations. Need just a little extra since it is a little thicker when double folded. You can cut a wider binding if you wanted to add a larger width around the edge. Follow these steps to machine binding – move your BSN quilts to the A.D. pile! Piece strips together at a 45 ° angle to create one continuous strip long enough to go around the entire quilt. There are two main reasons why you would use bias binding. 60 + 60 + 70 + 70 = 260in binding needed to fit your quilt The perimeter divided by usable WOF is 260 / 40 = 6.5 (round up to 7) strips needed. Now you’re ready to begin attaching the binding of your quilt. Quilt binding allows you to finish the edges of your finished “quilt sandwich” in a professional way. How To Cut Binding For A Quilt. Learn how easy this binding technique is by using ripped fabrics. Align the binding with the quilted mini quilt, right sides together as shown. Reply. A few days ago I prepared this piece of fabric and in order to achieve the desired effect for my binding, I had to make a bias binding, with fabric strips cut on the bias. See many examples and go through each step with her to start binding your quilts with this fun technique. Allow 10″ extra for turning corners and the closure. Heather Thomas provides a unique method for binding your quilts. This is a piece of fabric that measures 1.25 yards (1.14 m) by 1.25 yards (1.14 m). When you tug on bias binding, it has some stretch to it. Binding a quilt can be difficult! Fold the fabric in half lengthwise, so the selvedges meet. This machine binding quilt tutorial will walk you through an easy beginner friendly method. Complete the form to calculate the amount of fabric needed to bind your quilt. For example, if you want a finished binding that’s 1/2 inch wide, cut strips that are 2 inches wide (1/2 inch x 4 = 2). Begin attaching the binding approximately 6-10” away from one of the corners. Press your fabric to remove any wrinkles or folds. My 4 strips are 2-1/2″ x 42″ (the width of the fabric). Benefits: Flexibility and pliability. The crosswise grain of fabric is perpendicular to the selvage edges. To use the calculator, specify the width of the fabric (the calculator defaults to a value of 43 inches) along with the width and length of the quilt, and the desired binding strip width. Cut binding strips 1 1/4" wide. This free quilting tutorial will teach you how to machine bind a quilt. To prep the quilt for hand sewing the back,simply press the binding out from the front side of the quilt. For a general overview of how to attach binding, see the tutorial on Quilt Binding Basics. Binding can be done in several ways. In this tutorial, I made a twin-sized quilt, so I cut my fabric into 4-1/2 inch wide strips. Stop the seam, leaving about 8 to 10” unsewn when you get back around to where you started. Let’s make quilt binding! 1 . Location: a small village about 65 miles north of NYC. Since binding isnt my favorite step in the quilt making process, I am always looking for variations on how to bind a quilt. Trim the seam allowance to a 1/4" and press seams open. I prefer the straight binding, made with strips cut on the grain. This chart will take the mystery out of what width to cut your quilt binding. Crossgrain binding is also cut in strips along the grain but it is cut from selvedge to selvedge. I like to make double fold binding where you cut strips of fabric and iron them in half so the fabric is double. Add 12 inches to this total to provide extra binding. I cut my cotton bindings 2 1/4" but do flannels 2 1/2". Start off by cutting your binding fabric into strips. Continue sewing the binding around the quilt, mitering corners as you go. The binding is the very edge of the quilt so it will get handled a lot. If you cut it on the bias, it could stretch and get wavy. Binding Your Quilt: Ok. Quilt Binding in Bias Grain This binding is cut at a 45 degree angle to the selvage. Quilt Binding Instructions Using Ripped Fabrics. I decided to machine sew the whole binding on. Apart from the aesthetics, a properly cut binding provides the quilt with the strength and stiffness it requires to last, especially for heavily used quilts like blankets and bed covers. When creating your binding, try your best to cut it on grain. Watch this video it makes sense: This can be difficult to use if your batting is thick. Since you'll want to ensure enough yardage (and cutting a partial strip is impractical), round up to the nearest whole number - 7 is the total strips you'll need to cut for binding a 60 x 70in quilt. You can also use what is known in quilting terms as a “fat quarter” to make your bias binding strips. I cut my binding strips 2-1/2 inches wide. To create a bias binding you can follow my easy steps here. 4. Bias binding is made by cutting your strips on the bias as opposed to cutting the strips crosswise from the fabric. There are three ways to cut strips for binding quilts – following the three different grains. Using a quilt ruler, rotary cutter and cutting mat (much better for the task than scissors), cut the strips calculated above (SIX 2½” wide strips in our sample). If you have a strong preference this needs to be decided before you cut the quilt binding strips. This creates a flexible and pliable binding that can go around curves and odd angles smoothly. Step 1. It still takes a little bit longer to bind than a quilt backed in cotton or flannel, but it is worth the extra expense to save yourself grief in the binding process. An example of plaid, double-fold, bias binding. The calculator provides: The total length of the binding (the perimeter of the quilt). The dimensions that you cut your fabric to will impact how much bias binding you can make. So you’ve basted and quilted your quilt and you know what kind of fabric you need, so let’s get started. 2. The final amount is the number of inches of binding you will need. Whether or not the strips must be cut on the bias; Characteristics of a good binding, and finally, Share our readers' questions about binding; Your Quilt Binding Choices. The binding could be wavy for a couple reasons: 1. 5. For quilts that are lap size and up, I … The equation is: [(height of quilt + width of quilt) x 2] + 10. Joining strips. Feel free to print this page and keep the free quilting instructions for your use. Here's a wonderful tutorial on French-fold binding (or double-fold) binding to help you as you wrap up your next project. You cut bias binding at a 45 degree angle to the selvage. 02-08-2012, 08:03 AM #10 MdmSew'n'Sew. Senior Member . Cut your binding strips as follows: 1" strip for the quilt top 2" strip for the quilt back Join strips until they are long enough for all four sides of your quilt leaving an extra 12" for joining at the end. You don’t need to stop quilting 1″ or 1/2″ or anything distance away from the edge…you can quilt right to the edge of the quilt. I use 2 1/2 inch with a 1/4 inch seam. Bias Cut Binding. Answer the questions below to calculate the number of fabric strips to cut for binding any size quilt. (Note: This calculator is for straight binding that will be cut across the grain of your fabric.) Step 2. The easiest way to explain is to show you ( thanks for the images, Polly!) Bias binding differs from quilt binding in that it’s cut from your fabric at a 45 degree angle from the selvedge. Cut the number of required strips of binding, according to your pattern or calculations. For this reason, the binding is going to be a double layer of fabric. For this tutorial, you simply just start and stop quilting on the edge of the quilt, where it will be hidden under the binding, because if you stitch on the batting it’s hard to cut away the batting. 2. But then I got tired of that when doing so many quilts for an upcoming show. All measurements are in inches. Step 1: Prepare the Binding. Bias binding is binding that is cut at a 45 degree angle from the selvedge. Watch Now >> I don’t make often quilts with curved edges so I usually stay away from it. Step 2. Join Date: Nov 2011. Enter the width and length of your finished quilt, as well as the width of the binding strips you wish to use. It is best to use a piece of fabric that is a square or nearly a square. Stitch the binding tape to the quilt sandwich using a ¼” seam allowance. 1. Follow the photos or watch the short video clips below. Of course, if you are binding a smaller quilt, you should adjust the size of your rulers to fit the project. There a many different ways to machine bind a quilt. 3. Cut the square in half diagonally (Diagram I). The most important situation where you would use bias binding is if you’re working with a quilt that has curved edges, you MUST use bias binding. Fold the strip in half lengthwise with the wrong sides together (see a in the following figure). Step 3. Because bias binding is very stretchy, you can be use it on any edge. Binding a quilt can be difficult! When sewing binding to the quilt, are you using a walking foot that is feeding the layers well through your machine? And all can be used for either single or double fold bindings (we will discuss this another day, in a separate article). When I use thick batting, I cut my binding 2 1/2 inches. Once you are at the point that you are ready to bind a quilt that is backed in minky (or cuddle), trim the excess of leaving about 1″ of backing and batting. Just remember to use numbers and be sure to write fractions in decimal form. The best way to create a successful binding for a quilt you will want to cut the fabric on the bias. Measure the length and width of the quilt with the tape measure, and add all four sides together. All the steps of the cutting, piecing, and quilting process are important to successful binding. Step 1 – Measure the quilt to determine how many inches of binding you need. Align the raw edges of the quilt sandwich and the binding tape. It’s not good to be biased. You need room to maneuver at this point. Don’t cut the fold. In fact most of my quilting buddies do this, but I feel the same way about binding clips as I do about pins. Bias binding is a durable way to finish a quilt. Precision in consistent seam allowances, sewing blocks the correct size, squaring-up blocks and measuring the quilt before adding borders all add to the ease with which uniform, straight binding can be applied. Before you attach the binding, square up your quilt. They get in my way. Then you stitch that on your quilt and fold it over the raw edge of your quilt to finish it off. These steps on how to make a quilt are easy. Unless, of course, you’re talking about fabric binding. If the quilt is 24″ by 30″ then you could use a 8.5″ square-up ruler, and your longer ruler could be 10-15″. Re: Binding questions - 2.4" or 3" strips, and 1/2" or 1/4" seam? I confess that I … Cut away any excess batting around the edges. Lay your fabric on a flat surface. Bias binding - this is where the binding strips are cut on the bias. If you’re determined to make your own double-fold bias binding, follow these steps: Cut strips of fabric four times wider than the desired width of the finished binding. Overlap the ends of your binding, and trim just above the pin. Refer to chart to find the size square needed. Strip Cutters make cutting your binding fabric easy peasy. Here's a quilt binding tutorial.
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